PS4 pro. Placed a mercenary banner to look at it and now I can’t move it or remove it. It’s right in the middle of my building. How do I get rid of it?
Placed a merc banner some time back before the Heroes patch and yup couldn’t remove it to save my life.
I had to reload an old save file i had stored in the cloud.
Greetings @Annoyed ,
Thank you for sharing this!
Can you confirm if you’re playing on official servers, private servers or single-player?
If it’s in single player, this one has seen the exact same thing and they just linger.
Have you toggled any of the decay timers?
Alternatively, on the server you play on, have the decay timers been adjusted?
At least you can palce one. I cant under any circumstance
I’m on single player. I had to back up a previous save to get rid of the banner