More arbitrary changes - Lifeblood Spear

Acutally I think it was the mix of PVP that then trickled over to PVE-C which always results in PVE getting the rough end lf the stick.

I think the argument was more that it was not intended to be this powerful in all game modes. Thus FC balanced it how they saw fit. Which is too weak. So most people agree on that factor.

Iā€™ve killed her even solo, without a thrall, using Aloe soup to heal. Used some legendary daggers (probably Akbitanan Blades, but canā€™t remember exactly), switching to Bane of Khosatral Khel and a torch when it got dark. Itā€™s bloody slow and tedious work, but doable by someone who is not an exceptionally skilled fighting action game player. The Red Mother broadcasts all her attacks so dodging away is pretty easy - only her wide-arc fire breath is tricky to evade.

Bringing a thrall makes the fight much faster, of course. But whereas I wouldnā€™t even try to solo any of the Skeletor bosses in the Unnamed City without a thrall assistant, the dragon is quite doable.

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Couldnā€™t have said it better myself.
This is exactly what keeps happening to this game.
It happened when they nerfed the 30 point vit perk, Fierce Vitality into Limp Vitality. (Please change the name to reflect the perk)

Just as the benefits donā€™t make the game any easier, these nerfs donā€™t make the game any harder, they just add time to the healing process.

I could quote this all day. Nailed it. Fix our spear!

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I think this is exactly why it got nerfed.

I used it as well in the same manner. Never really used it as a weapon as pikes are not my thing.

I think they nerfed it because a
Of his above statement. It was just used to bypass other healing items.

I used it too. So I am feeling the loss.

I feel like a common mistake developers make is introducing an item or skill into a game which works great in PvE but people become angry about in PvP. Instead of making a focused change they nerf it across all utilization environments, hence making the item impotent or marginally useful at best. Only a few games and studios have solved the problem by fully partitioning the PvP and PvE environments. Itā€™s just a lot more code however. The easy solution is to just nerf the item or skill and trade outraged PvPers for big sad PvE players.

Keep in mind that from a certain developer point of view, what keeps survival games alive are the PvP players. So they get catered to more frequently. A studio really has to have an advocate on the right team - i.e. production, live services - in order for PvE players to really have a voice that carries.

i didnā€™t say you need legendary to be op, again no human player in pvp is using crom or lifeblood. this is mainly used for equiping thralls for base defence against raid.

but i say, that if a weapons is very hard to get and is very rare than itā€™s normal that this weapon is op. otherwise simply remove the weapon because there is no point to spend 2 months to obtain it.

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but problem is that there was no real problem even in pvp, except if you cannot handle to be killed from time to time.

Not too upset that it does nothing now, as we all survived before. But this in combination with Timid Vitality perk has meant a delay between fights. The healing foods are not the issue really other than I could free up a couple of slots in my hot bar with the spear.

I feel like funcom should have just been honest in the patch notes. ā€œWe made a mistake in introducing the lifeblood spear into the game, we are now fixing this mistakeā€ and just removed itā€¦ Or left it alone.

I agree, either you let it alone, either you remove it from the game because error was not intended.

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This is actually not entirely correct. I did some tests and posted the results in discord as @zerog might recall. the healing items have a certain healing power similar to the tools harvesting power. letā€™s say the spear had +3 base power so it wouldnā€™t stack with other +3 base power items but the haunch has +4 power, the infused aloe has +5 power so the spear did stack with their effects similar how the buffs work (you can stack +3 and +8 accuracy for total of +11, but cant stack +3 and +3 from consumables). there was also something strange i noticed back then: if you equip the spear and drink a potion you would see the double regen but if you first drink a potion and then equip the spear, you wouldnā€™t.

p.s Spear had +3 base power, regular aloe potion has +3 as well, herbal tea has +3 and the aloe soup has +2 food +3 drink which is why the spear didnā€™t stack with the +3 effects but did stack with the items which have different values.

Hereā€™s a twist, how about the whiners quit complaining and go farm their own spears?


Same thing happened in WoW with cooking
Taking the time to level your cooking rewarded you with extra buffs, but lazy people whined about the cooking buffs in PvP, and instead of the devs telling them to quit being lazy, they coddled them and nerfed food.

Bring back the pre patch Lifeblood spear, and in addition, add other interesting exciting ā€˜opā€™ items to the game which will make it WORTH PLAYINGā€¦

Stop coddling lazy whiners - they wonā€™t stay when they get bored of the crappy world they create through their own complainingā€¦ they are killing your game.


the game got really bad without the lifeblood.
there are few reasons to keep playing now.
the mistakes of the game do not agree that they are many.
but the hits they break.

This could almost be a Haiku. :two_hearts:

great; and how many time to kill ? how many time to wait for respawn ? and what probabily of drop ?

i will answer for you = 5 mn to kill + 15 mn to respawn. itā€™s 1% probabily drop for lifeblood. = 20*100= average 2000 mn of gameplay before having a lifeblood. average mean that if you are not Lucky it will take you 4000 mn.
may be you play 24/24; but me not, i play average 3h by day, letā€™s say i farm 1 hour every day UC, it mean that i need at least 33 days before having a lifeblood. this is what I call a rare weapon.

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I play an hour in the morning. I play 2 hours after work before bed. On the weekend I clock 4 hours each day if Iā€™m lucky.

Hardly the point really. I farmed 3. I then killed 3 players who attacked me and took their spears.

Leaving me 6 in total.

I even raffled them off with a Crom Blade in order to ensure the safe capture of Zoara of the Marshes.

I am a archer. This spear was only used to avoid eating. Unless to avoid starvation.

Otherwise I have never worried about this spear in PVP.

The Devs thought it was OP becauee it avoided aspects of the survival mechanic and was not intended.

I can see why they changed it. I also at this point donā€™t care if it is returned to its glory.

I just get disapointed when someone comes at me with a spear cuz they try and gank me, and it turns out to be a vaulting pole instead of a lifeblood because at least with the lifeblood I can trade for things. They share the same skin

Now this is not much the case

You canā€™t avoid eating, you can avoid using health potions or health restoration in general with the spear, but so what? It still comes with a cost. Aloe Soup is .1 per, so thatā€™s about 43 of those you can carry before the spear justifies its weight, and those can triple up as food and water. This particularly seems like a weak argument since they added the auto regen in the same patch which costs you nothing. And it isnā€™t like aloe soup is hard to make, it is very easy. Compared to the cost of getting the spear it is a joke.

Late to partyā€¦ but totally agree with the OP. The spear was part of my need to take everywhere items. Now its worthless and I was one of them people it took weeks to get. Im on a PvEC server and in no way did this thing ever come in handy for pvp or used as an advantage. it would stop healing if someone breathed on youā€¦ It was strictly for me soloing during non pvp times. I still used fish strips to eat and heal the spear came in handy if i fell off a cliff due to the always frame drops or if I was being tag teamed by black panthers in jungle because loading times coming out of teleport are ridiculous on PS4. Thats my rant give us back the bloodspear buff WTF!

Last comment from me, iā€™m done worrying about it. I never used healing arrows before, but after my beloved spear was trashed, I started using them out of necessity. Talk about OPā€¦I can stand there and shoot one after another into the ground at my thralls feet in 10 second intervals and he will gain thousands of HPs in less than a minute. I think they need a nerf as this trivializes PVE and the game and everyone knows you should be using healing potions and food. (sarcasm off) .


The biggest issue right now, which Iā€™m certain is not going to be addressed since thereā€™s not one official response to this thread that garnered nearly 150 responses, is that the spear no longer serves a purpose. Itā€™s damage is not good enough to wield it as a regular weapon. And the healing is no longer strong enough to keep it out.

I have put thousands of hours into playing on PVP servers and Spears were never an issue for me or anyone that I play with or against. It never came up in conversation because it was a PVE farming commodity, period.

Even if there were a case to be made as to why it needed to be nerfed, they took it way too far and made it worthless. Let me restate my point: with the current strength of healing it will take you 17 continuous minutes to restore 200 hp. And thatā€™s not considering the fact that typically nobody will have it out to use as a normal weapon. Nor that youā€™ll be forced to constantly switch back and forth after climbing and gathering.

RIP sweet prince.