New Follower Limit - Feedback thread

They could use family share to create free alts so individuals would be in clans with 9 dummy accounts.

Looks like we finally need to disable family share.

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Get trusted people from different servers to join your clan… only joining…

I know many people who “bought” the game when it was free on ps4+.
Just download the game, join my server and I invite them. After that they deinstall the game…

@Lord_Wiggles works the same on ps4 for many PS+ users, when it was free…

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If memory serves, you could bypass server bans with steam family share too and I don’t think that was ever resolved.

You could… But maybe Funcom has finally implemented it right… so If the main account ist banned, the family shared ones are too.
Steam provides such a functionality…

Again, they would only be getting 45 extra thralls. Not that big a deal tbh. So you get double the thralls if you are solo. You can’t take them all out when you travel anyways.

Riiiight… We PvEers are the problem, spamming thralls and pets so they can gank other players as they teleport so we can get easy kills and take their stuff. OH WAIT, that’s not actually possible in PvE because we can’t kill other players NOR loot their corpses.


The cap definitely needs to be higher than 100. I am in a 10 man clan and we have multiple bases scattered across the map. Now I have no issue with a limit. All I ask is increase the cap to 300 at least…and allow me to pick up all my other thralls I have scattered around protecting my bases.

I have 10 bases around the map. Each with 100 thralls or better in them. Everyone has their own base a sector they keep a eye on. This is a PVP server.


Right, but then once you have your flow down, what ordinarily was an 8-man clan doing 8-man things is now 8 allied solos with 100 thralls apiece. Seems almost dramatically unfun.

I think 100 is a very generous cap. That so many clans have multiple bases is part of the problem and we need also a solution for this kind of building spam and not encourage it by setting a high Thralls limit.

How are multiple bases at a PvP server a problem?

Is that much different than an 8 man clan with 1000+ thralls/pets and no drawback of not being in a clan? And only 1 of the 10 ever has to log in every week to refresh all of it?

At one time they turned of family share. now i see why. It was more than likely a precursor knowing that was the ultimate work around of the limit cap.

They have also said once they see the impact to optimization, the number could increase. They went low to avoid people losing leveled thralls (actually time invested into them) vs the static knock out cook 8-10 hour legacy ones we are losing now.

100 per person yes that would be fine, but 100 for 10 people is a joke

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If thrall population is to be a limited resource, there are also some features lacking to make it not a maddening experience.

  1. Mechanism to count the number of placed thralls in your clan
  2. Mechanism to FIND your clan’s placed thralls (like a map dot or a map grid reference for where they are assigned)

Without these a player won’t be able to tell when they are over the limit or where the followers are that are being a problem.

I’m remembering several reports from the Hyborian Moaning Plague Patch where players found thralls that had slipped underground or into unreachable areas.

Imagine how much more frustrating that would be if a Bearer that was lost in a cliff was the reason your other thralls kept being randomly deleted.

If funcom is going to force us to abandon our outliers due to lack of adequate defense be it purge or players attacking and focus on one main base. Which we started on due to this. Then the cap needs to be higher than 100. We go through 100 thralls every week or 2 from fighting alone. We are all taking a hit having to give up stuff on bases that we built for the last 2 years.

Now, I think the simplest solution to all this for players in large clans is to allow us to pick up and store away our thralls to use again some day.

It’s preventing new players from settling on the map and affecting server performance to a lvl where you have said effects such as non loading structures and insane aggro delay times.

AS in there is no real risk involved in owning them, and killing land claim. It discourages new Conan players to even try when they see 2 clans on a low pop server with massive land claims in all the meta spots. Now those clans must choose their homes to defend with thralls, and those they will have to do the “manual” way.

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Its PvP?!?!? Destroy it.

How delusional is this? Imagine every person who has ever set a foot on an official server has 100 Thralls. Easily 200x100 then. Hf playing there.

You will constantly have server FPS below 5 and then tons of exploits are possible again. This is a huge problem and players should show some understanding for the technical side of the game.

So suddenly “griefing” is a problem?

And srsly, its PvP. Destroy it…

Its not gonna make a difference. A large clan is gonna foundation spam a area they don’t want players. I have seen it. I have spent the hours treb’in areas just to clear them.

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