NEW Map problems

DLC “MAJOR CONCERN NEW MAP” I understand why have to build a new map to make it bigger as can’t expand existing without over tasking server and cutting down users number online. BUT What about the building we made if this the case the building would not transfer to new map as layout not the same for placement. Are you going to just import our characters & thralls into the new map? Will we keep our points of tablet of power earned? Will we be able to recover any or all used and unused building materials when get DLC for the new map. I have so many concerns but this is base questions… EDIT: A server can’t host both old map and new map so either has to be an import to new server or basic Conan 2

I highly doubt you’re going to get any sort of “refund” on building materials. Not unless they allow you to transfer your inventory and you dismantle your buildings before you do. I also strongly suspect that thrall transfers, if available at all, will be quite limited.

Frankly speaking, I’ll be happy if we can just transfer our character with levels and feat points intact, leaving inventory and thralls behind.

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There is no information at this time other than confirmation of a new map under development.


Every fresh start is good. Think positive. You can tell me for days what you will loose, but still in a month you will have anything you lost and more. So… Keep walking :+1:


If you get nothing then make it Conan 2 as your starting over that be major BS. I sure hope they not undersized map in DUNE and we go thru this again…

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I not agree as been from start have so much to lose and took forever to get all my items I have I just like to keep a few thralls to that level 20.


Bigger concern is the people who will get left behind when they can’t afford the new map. We don’t have a big enough community to survive being cut in half.

Also the game breaks with every major update come out. That is with only one map. How do they plan to keep up with two maps when they can’t seem to handle one?

The only concern I have is whether or not all the bugs and issues with the game will be dealt with by then. If a new map comes out and this stuff isn’t fixed on the current map and/or is still present on a new map, I can see that becoming a crippling blow for the game and won’t help Funcom’s reputation. We won’t know until it happens.

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That is my point though. With how poorly they have been handling bugs and other issues with only one map to worry about I have serious doubts that making a new map is a good idea.

conan exiles? = problems. problems? = funcom. troubleshooting? = change game

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But by that logic, they should just fold up shop and cash in their chips.

For a new map however, i would ‘sacrifice’ everything. But this is only me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. New map means new organizations, so i will build a new base and put new thralls to guard it. Ofcurse my first one will be a berseker, plus my favorite volcano thralls, but my gaming will focus in the new map. So i really don’t care if i have to do it all over again, i don’t give a :poop:. But as i said this is me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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think big!
also they own game not the other way around, so fc doesnt owe you anything.

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It is a way to see it. Still when i pay i own too, so yes it’s their game but it is ours too, don’t you think? The decisions for the game is theirs, but if i ll keep paying is mine. So, in a way, they have to consider my happiness and i ll keep spending :blush:. Simple as that :+1:

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you dont own, you rent. its liek that in every game.
you own the right to rent space in the game.
thats it thats all.

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I play solo so you can’t really split my community in half.


Would it hurt them to just put out some info on what the next 6 months has in store. Part of the fun of playing this game is looking forward to what is “next” to experience and explore. You tend to put titles down eventually if you think they are not going anywhere. That is especially so for games like this where it’s part of a “games as a service model” and the revenue isn’t all upfront in the initial sale.

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As a programmer bring up concerns so they think about it To help resolve these answers that to ingnore. As the answer help decided if go to new DLC or not…

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I think we say the same things with different words here. :wink:.

I don’t know if a new dlc is the best for the game now or a new map either. Still they need to attract new people and make more money. Tell me somebody who doesn’t :dollar::wink:. Either way i would like this to take at least one more month before they do it. The sock from the last update (not the hotfix) is still on.:joy::joy::joy: