New purge rocks

Ran a 3 and a 5 purge last night. We had a lot of fun. So far, we’ve had 3 level 3s, one 5, and a 10. Definitely higher end thralls in the cages at level 10, as well as numerous recipes. We’ve had the camps spawn in 5 different locations.

The new purge system is great even with all the problems. I like how they snuck in some Siptah rift thralls too. The Carries-Others-Throgh-Storms is a cool guy.

My main issue right now is that I can’t level any of the new thralls because all of the world/dungeon content is unplayable. The purge mobs give very little XP but I guess that’ll have to do.

All my defending Thralls have had bludgeon, i let them knock out everyone that came. Not T4 thralls were killed by myself. I just needed to pick them like flowers.
It was never a chance to accidently kill a purge thrall.
In a good run i collected 7-8 named thralls in a forgotten clan purge.

Plus the merchants at mekamos were gone, so i think for drastically nerfed purge thralls the chance to get the beasttamers like markos, frida etc. is a way to small amount.

The ice palace is good for leveling. I ran through in 15 minutes and picked 300000+ XP. Frost giants are 20K ea. The added black yeti and the new chests with the white dragon make it worth the trip.

Apes are a good source. Gorillas are 6K, Grapes (Grey Apes for the uninitiated) are 9K. Not a lot per, but there’s plenty of them.


Thanks, forgot about the cave too. I’ll venture there later and test the lag.

The issue is that at some point during play I lose control of the thralls. They either stop responding or they get stuck somewhere and disappear. Same for mobs. Either they rubber band or cannot be hit. Closing the game or restarting the console doesn’t help.

Lag is not as bad when I do purges in corners far away from the multi map square mega bases/villages (zendesk ticket untouched for a month+) so it’s about the only thing I can do.

I have also noticed that even before this last update, and on other games, I would get some lag. If I reboot my modem, those problems were lessened or went away.

I used to do the same, all my thralls would have a truncheon and I would do the job of killing just about everything, anything that got past me would get knocked out. Any thrall I saw that was T4 I had myself and my follower knock-out. There was a serious amount of excitement when you spot the T4 walking towards you, that is missing a bit in this new purge system.

There are aspects of this new purge that I really like and that I’m not crazy about, but the main like for me is that you can call it whenever you want. As a solo player, it is quite difficult getting the purge on officials, even with my obsessive nature, I could only get it once a week or two. This system makes getting the purge very very easy obviously. But it does take away some of the randomness of the old system, like where exactly they would spawn and which kind of purge.

I’ve gotten a few T4 purge thralls from this new system, but I’m really just hoping to collect whichever thralls that have 3600hp from level 0, I believe mainly the Northern thralls :slight_smile:

I think overall the system is good, but I can understand both sides of the argument here as I myself see both purge systems as having different positives.

These were the times… 6 level 20 Lians in dragonbone armors armed with truncheons. Knocking entire purge unconscious while I was watching from the walls. At the end I went down to the battlefield to take the T4 captives and finish others with a spear…

I want the old Purge back :joy: but the new one can stay, no harm in having both.


The only issue I can see with the T4 thralls in this purge is the sheer amount. There’s way more thralls coming out this time. It could be tough to keep up with just truncheons.

I tried the new purge and it is okay. I like that we can scale the strength. The pathfinding is also acceptable.

I believe you m8, you’re absolutely right, it’s clearly an unfinished and unpolished feature.

Although i started with a lvlX unprepared and i crashed in the middle of it (they wreck me :rofl:), after this problem i made 11 more. On purge lvlVIII the purge stopped because the demolisher broke the stairs instead the gate :man_facepalming:. But the performance was really satisfying and the last lvl purges are very thrilling, awesome work, indeed but like i said in the beginning, unfinished and unpolished.

The purge does not want to visit my base so I just spawned a purge by placing the chest out in the open in some other location.
I got murdered and robbed by level 2 purge :joy: I was without a thrall, but I enjoyed that they actually surrounded me and ■■■■■■■■■■ instead of just standing there and looking into my eyes :joy:
Looks like there might be some epic battles on the way, just FC needs to fix the spawning and path finding.

So now you can arm the thralls with actual weapons, murder everything in the waves and rescue the T4 thralls from the cages at the enemy base. (Yeah, apparently there’s an issue of T4 crafters not appearing as rewards right now, but it’s on the to-do list.)

The Purge is supposed to be an enemy assault, not a piñata.

That‘s the reason i don‘t like it. :slight_smile:

I will not gonna hate on it, It is just my humble opinion, be okay with it. If you like the new purge system i am happy for you.

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