Official 1540 Reborn: Official-Like Exile Lands and Siptah AST Cluster Server

Have you ever wished for the chance to roam the Exiled Lands and explore the Isle of Siptah without being forced to choose one or the other? Have you wanted to to experience the content of both maps with a regular Officials PvP style setting without the bombardment of Hackers that plague what is left of the Official Servers?

Well Now You Can! Thanks to the Mod AST: Amunets Server Transfer. With the power of hard work, imagination, and a little bit of dark magic, you can seamlessly travel between both Maps using Four Portals strategically placed around 4 different locations in the Exile Lands and Isle of Siptah (Exiles has one at the Mounds of the Dead and Siptah has one in the tower). Come join the Officials Reborn community as we tap into the Full Potential that is Conan Exiles.

If you have any questions for the Server Admin join our discord and shoot him a DM

Direct Connect:
Exile Lands
Raid 5pmCST-10pmCST
Server Restarts at at 5am CST

Isle of Siptah
Raid 5pmCST-10pmCST
Server Restarts at at 5am CST

Map: Exiles Lands/Isle of Siptah
60 Player Cap
2x Harvest
2x Resource Respawn Rate
1x XP Rate
Gods disabled


1 . Any players caught cheating/hacking will be immediately permanently banned.
2 . Duping or the duplication of items is not allowed, anybody found exploiting this will be banned immediately.
3 . Meshing/Under-meshing is strictly prohibited. Any players caught breaking this rule will be permanently banned.
4 . No foundation spamming.
5 . Any malicious attempt at server health will not be tolerated.
6 . No Symbols for Names and No Invisible Clan Names
7 . If you believe there is foul play within a raid that is taking place, call out to the Admin to watch or DM them, if you wish to dispute the Admin’s decision you can DM the Admin about it, Do not take it into Global Chat.

Here are some important little details for you all to remember when traveling between Exile Lands and Siptah:
1 . Your Followers will not be able to follow you
2 . When you travel from one server to the other your character will be clanless, but when you travel back to the server you originally came from you will be still be in your clan.
3 . The Mod deletes your characters body before you travel to prevent duping but it does save all your character data as you travel, so you will still be in your clan on your home server when you return even if you join a different clan on the other server.
(Solo players will find their base and stuff will still be there for when they return to their home server)
4 . Any loot that is in your Inventory that is not Unlocked by your Character will be Disappear if you step through the Portal with it.
(Example: If you have not Unlocked Previous Items from a Previous Battle Pass but You pick it up from a chest/ground/ect, it will disappear in the Transfer)
5 . Any lose of character data due to some freak incident will not be recoverable (best not to run through the transfer portals right before reset)
6 . Double jump (and possibly other perks) may malfunction after traveling through a portal, this can be remedied by either relogging or drinking a Respec Potion
7 . Transmogs won’t be saved in the transfer. It is a small sacrifice to pay for the chance to play on two maps.

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Been loving going back and forth it’s how transfers shoulda been!

Well, this conveniemt. A private server gets marketing ad day multiple hackers are wiping server. Does the server have paid starter packs/buffs? Hmmmmmmmm

Isn’t there hackers everyday it seems. Don’t sound stupid lol. And I don’t see any paid anything on server. Sounds like someone who is salty and lonely. Hmmm

The server has no donations, paid starter packs, or buffs, it is just official-like.
I started up the servers because of how out of control the hacking has gotten on official servers.

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Okay, ill takebyourbword for it I guess.

Dude, chill they just made an observation. Salty is going ham just because someone has a negative opinion about something you like. Anyways, i might check it. Haven’t played in a while though.

Its almost the like server transfers are back with this MOD(but better). the community is friendly-ish. and i havent felt this protected from hackers ever on Conan because of the active admin.