PC - Age of Sorcery Chapter 3 Update Discussion Megathread

@JJDancer hey the exploit you found was related to this?

(Addressed an exploit regarding rotating in combat with a controller).

dang, was hoping the survivor journey would be fixed. still locked for me.

Same here on the survivor journey.

Hi guys/gals, i noticed something odd with gibbet, i would like to confirm if it is just me, or it could be a bug. When i place the taskmaster on in a empty gibbet he shows up around guarding the gibbet, but if i put a prisioner on the gibbet the taskmaster becomes invisible, he stills in the gibbet, the icons shows up normally and the effects works too, only the animated taskmaster around disapperars

Not mentioned in the patch notes:

  • NPC behavior was significantly changed, groups of enemies will no longer attack the closest player or follower in range but will instead run everywhere and attack everything
  • NPCs switch targets mid-fight much more frequently (greatly reducing the usefulness of the irritate perk)

You can just drag an image file directly in your reply box and it will upload it.

Hi .

if you talk about the option available in the chat keyboard to share photos or gif.

it is not available for new users

You hit the reply button, type your text and drag the image file in the text box and it will upload it. Not sure if itā€™s available to new users, so you might have a point there.

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No sign of a new patch yet? Several big bugs still up =/

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New hotfix available.


plz fix abyssal bow bug finallyā€¦
abyssal arrows dont add dmg if have no them in inventory

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Good stuff!

Just need to fix one more itty bitty problem that involves logging in and out and weā€™re good to go for most exploits :slight_smile:

I thought youā€™d fix the most important problem in the game right now, and itā€™s that the (official) server lose connection randomly when you engage in a battleā€¦ hard to play in this way, impossible for pvp, a huge impediment to make dungeons and also a problem when you get a purgeā€¦ this is not about just a small bug, it affects everyone donā€™t letting us play normallyā€¦ I guess devs already know about it because itā€™s not new, so I hope they fix it soonā€¦


please fix devkit so that custom maps that just change the original a bit so that we can actually enjoy the new content, we get no eclipse and portal to dungeon donā€™t work, and even if we port there, dungeon donā€™t workā€¦

Thank you for fixing these known bugs. It is most appreciated, but I, as well as many others, wish to know when the LOST CONNECTIONS issue will be fixed?

Since the mid February update this has caused mayhem on all servers AND all platforms. This issue is a game breaker and people are leaving because of it. I personally wonā€™t play during the PvP window, even though I have a purge, as I do not wish to die and lose my items, let alone wish to see my thralls die.

As a matter of urgency, PLEASE FIX, or let us know where we stand. COMMUNICATE with us!

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Thereā€™s nothing to fix about that from the Funcom sideā€¦ thatā€™s entirely Gportal :man_shrugging: their servers are just bad
The fix for that from Funcom would be to finally ditch them and find a decent hosting company or at least ask for some better service from them.


That is entirely up to the mod authorā€¦ :man_shrugging:
Firstly the portal is part of the base ConanSandbox map and not any sublevelsā€¦ Modders, especially if making small changes like you say should only ever edit sublevels and not mess with the main map.
Deleting any saved copies from their mod will fix that. (otherwise they can also just try to readd the portal)

The eclipse is just a toggle switch and fully accessible to modders (thereā€™s an exposed bool variable on the ultra dynamic sky that can be toggled to have an eclipse or not)

I beg to differ. The disconnect has gotten worse as more stuff is added to game. So FC is responsible for overloading the server provider they chose. They need to invest in upgrading those servers as gportal only supplies what is paid for by FC. It os no different than a private adding 100 mods and then losing server stability. We would tell that owner to cut back on mods.

But theyā€™ve been overloading that for years :man_shrugging: Literally nothing was working as it should for yearsā€¦ take follower AI for exampleā€¦ do you think itā€™s working as it should on ANY official server? Nopeā€¦ itā€™s miles offā€¦

And none of the disconnects are happening on private servers at allā€¦
So youā€™re not really ā€œdifferingā€ā€¦ I already said as much that they need to switch providers or ask for better service :stuck_out_tongue:
What I meant though is that itā€™s not going to be a software fix that you would see in the game patch-notesā€¦ as the poster I quoted demandedā€¦

no, mod authors cant do shit about it, you get the same response from everyone, cause anything related to the eclipse and the dungeon isnā€™t in the devkit, and the eclipse is tied into the dungeon and donā€™t work on modded maps, and there is nothing that can be done about it now, since well modders donā€™t have access to it. Tir-na-nog modder, and Snowhunter both say the same, and believe me they have tried for ages now.