[PC] [AOC] Barbarian Clan Wars [Mods]

Modded Server Name

[AOC] Barbarian Clan Wars [Mods]


:tools: Server Settings

Harvest Amount Multiplier: 2.0
Experience Multiplier: 1.0
Thrall Conversion Multiplier: 0.5
Item Conversion Multiplier: 1.0
Active Thirst and Hunger Multiplier: 0.5
Idle Thirst and Hunger Multiplier: 0.1
Restrict PVP Building Damage: ON [Sat-Sun 18:00-22:00]
Max Clan Size: 5
Server Restart: 04:00 and 16:00 [GMT+2]

:video_game: Mods

Pippi - User & Server Management
Fashionist v3.2.0 (1.0 and DLC compatible)
The Age of Calamitous
Kerozards Paragon Leveling
Exiled lands Improved
Dudes Delightful Decorations

Discrod: 6cy7qSb