PC | PVE | Map: Exiled Lands | level cap: 120 | Starter Kit | Friendly | Active Admin

Looking for a friendly, community-oriented base server using Exiled Lands map.

When joining the server you will get a Starter Kit by typing /kit FreshStart (case sensitive and only one time use, however if happen to lose do to say getting killed then power goes out (unsure how long dead bodies stay in game – let an admin know in-game or on facebook and we can get you stuff back – only toolbelt drops)

Useful Commands are available to all such as /sethome, /home and /summon, /teleport (ex. /summon and /teleport <person name)

Like to get involved OR even just have ideas you would like to implement on the server - by all means bring it forward and we can work together to get it done.

A bit about the server: Forgotten Lands of Exile is a: 25 slot server with uptime of 24/7 over last few years and as it’s hosted through g-portal so there is no lag.

We do have a new UI - the most customizable UI mod in Conan Exiles history too

Server Info:
Map: Exiled Lands
Server: Forgotten Lands of Exile
Platform: PC
Direct Connect:
Facebook Facebook Groups
Discord: Big Gamers
(The Choose A Role + this message pinned (select Thumbtack icon at top))

Server Stats:

  • Level Cap: 300
  • General XP: x5
  • Harvest XP: x7
  • Crafting XP: x4
  • Harvesting: x5

The Age of Calamitous
Thrall War Dungeon Mod
Aquilonian Females
Emberlight 3.1.0
Immersive Armor
Thrall War Decorations
Shadows of Skelos - Extended
Shadows of Skelos Vol. 2
IMMERSE RP : Buildings & Placeables Décor
IMMERSE RP: Placables Décor
LBPR - Additional Features - v7.1.2
Less Building Placement Restrictions - v7.1.7
Unlock Plus (with Pickup)
Extra Shortcut Bars
Fence Gates
Pythagoras Support Beams
Various Building Sets
Various Décor sets
Better Thralls
The Age of Calamitous
120 Level
Hosav’s Custom UI Mod - Revamped!

ATTENTION builders Forgotten Lands of Exile, an PC server, is 99.9% cleared of builds, so you most likely can build where ever you want.

Basic Rules:

  1. Do not block discovery locations, Dungeons, bosses/chests or abundant resource locations such as Iron, Brimstone, Crystal, Lotus, etc. This includes heavy traffic areas such as Unnamed City and its boss spawns.
  2. Do not block other players builds; communication goes a long ways
  3. If interested in becoming a moderator/admin just let me know
  4. Admins are open to suggestions in making server more fun if possible