Greetings, this one had a question but it has been answered, so the initial topic is now edited.
On to a more useful topic.
Good package design.
In the Pictish Rite Dancer set, we see a dancer Outfit, a dance Emote, and some decoration.
This is, in this one’s opinion, tight theme grouping.
Please let’s not talk about price this time.
Instead, let’s discuss what sort of item groupings are good and coherent and that one would like to see.
One idea that comes to mind is a Yamatai Geisha/Major Domo outfit with a Play biwa emote and perhaps a small tea table or wall scroll.
This is a data table fat fingered value. Its likely affecting all platforms.
I think the best way to fix this issue is to put whomever keeps typing the wrong values in gets put in the Front Leaning Rest position every time he does it.
Do you think the not dyable issue on most pieces is likewise a fat finger moment? Behind the scenes could it just be a toggle? Especially as one of the pieces is not impacted by it?
As for push ups…
This one does not venture supposition about hygiene and fitness amongst workers, but if they are not work from home, it may be as much punishment for the coworkers as the person who probably just oopsy
This one generally suggests verbal counselling before physical training when dealing with civilian employees.
I think the lack of dye is intentional. Aside from the wrist straps, the rest are bone and leaves. Perhaps that was a conscious choice, but that doesnt mean people’s desire for it to be dyable couldnt be addressed.
The part that strikes this one as odd, if that is the case, is two fold.
Pictish Wizard is mostly feathers and it is dyable.
The feather on the dyable wrist strap is identical to a feather on the non dyable skirt. The inconsistency doesn’t synchronize in this one’s mind with deliberation.
While it could be deliberate, that would seen a curious deliberate choice. Giving a tiny wrist band three dye channels and the majority of the garment none.
Confirmation either way would always be appreciated. Hopefully someone with a definitive answer will have a spare moment to respond in one of the inquiry threads.