PlayStation Update 2.4/2.4.6 Official Discussion Megathread

You can do both , you have reasons for positive comments but I believe that the mood in this conversation is not this . I don’t believe anyone will blame you for keeping this mood , I just always take a distance from negativity , not because I believe that what is mentioned here is wrong , but because I play and visit forum for relaxing , I am too old to fight for games :wink: .


News for 2.4.6?


I’m sorry to say but yours is not a serious behavior, you have left us for months with an update that has practically destroyed the game and despite this we have supported you by buying the Siptah dlc. Now the update that should begin to solve some problems is not released on the platform that clearly needs it most. It has been a long time since 2.4.6 was released for xbox and on pc they are even at the second testlive for 2.5. In all this, we PlayStation players are constantly ignored and at most you respond to us by giving news and dates that are promptly disregarded, and then return to absolute silence. Let me be clear, I love your game but I also demand more respect


Thank you. I agree completely.

I wonder what problem they are experiencing with Playstation platform, i mean it can’t be because they are being incompetent or the console being any differ with Xbox

There is more in common between PC running Windows and X Box than there is between X Box and Playstation.


That’s adorable.
They don’t give a flying F*** about you and your demands. They have made that clear so many times and in so many ways.

Any chance for some news regarding the update?


Is it too much to demand news at least once a week or would it ruin your holidays?




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There isn’t going to be anything new in July.

Norway basically shuts down for the whole month. Funcom is based out of Oslo (or at least used to be).


its HQ are still based in Oslo while it do have offices in other contries.

it had offices in Beijing, Montreal and Dublin (just did a google search)

Oslo is where the main quarters are from from what I have read. Owners in China a few people in the states.


This has officially gotten f**king ridiculous.

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Buckle in, dude, their vacation won’t be finishing for at least another month. Expect nothing and put an end to all disappointments :joy:

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It’s funny how 88 days ago today, they said they were going to patch Isle of Siptah. Yet, we’ve been sitting here with so many broken parts of the game, no way to finish Journey steps as they will be addressed in 2.5 patch for PC, as that seems like it’s going to fix our Game on PS4. It’s a shame, the lag, rubber banding, glitching, trash that Maelstrom is broken, Purged have been broken since the vanilla game with no fixes in site. I have 1 journey step to go, but can’t finish because I have to wait for patch 2.5, when patch 2.4 hasn’t even been uploaded for us… So sad, that PlayStation doesn’t matter anymore.


Just tell us something come on, we can not take more of this silence we are losing patience

So now I’ll get in touch.
I also find that the verification process takes a long time this time.
It’s a shame it takes so long.
But don’t let your head hang down, it will come at some point. :v:t4::joy:

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I feel in my heart that they will skip the 2.4.6 update and will release the 2.5 update for the ps4, because for the delay I don’t think it’s interesting to release an update and already have another one with plans to release a short time later.

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