Poll => Combat Changes

You’re correct, Dennis did say the option would be added to revert back to how combat was in Chapter 2, alongside changes to enemy rotation. I’ve not personally tested enemy rotation yet myself, but the gameplay option “Auto Face forward on attack” toggled on now does indeed emulate how combat was in Chapter 2.

It does feel very marginally slower, as there is a slight turning animation between directional changes, but that might just be because I’ve not used it in a while. You can now swing & attack with only your mouse, no WASD involved


But do the NPCs follow this as well when you select it since that is the issue? The crocodile turning on a dime to chomp on your leg. My fear that it’s a toggle so it only affects your movements and not the server based NPCs and we get spinning monsters.


I imagine if it did, it wouldn’t work on official servers. That means you’re forced into the current combat system whether you like it or not.


The toggle does only affect you, I believe enemy rotation is a different parameter. Dennis said prior that he’d be going through every enemy and adjusting their rotation so they’re not glued to you. I’d imagine they might say more about it in today’s stream

I’m more of a builder so I don’t really have an experienced reference point for how glued to you Crocodiles were before, but I just tried them out on the beta. They do rotate towards you quite accurately, though you can dodge their attacks as they cast and they will miss you and not rotate back to correct themselves


This one will sneak back on soon, but as this one recalled, enemies still were able to moonwalk and instant attack vector correct.

This one will go poke the Stygian hornet nest, they tend to have several weapons and this one will be able to see if they can attack correct after starting the attack.
Currently the single handed sword’s attack can arc at least 90° to chase a target. This one will try to pick a fight in the next couple days and see if that is still true.

BRING BACK THE **** SPEAR, REVERT IT BACK GOD **** and stam system. JUST PUT IT BACK… Sincerely your your entire pvp pop :expressionless:

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No. Ef the spear. It lasted way too long. Adapt.


The Isle of Men mod (DarthPhysicist’s?) has crocs and humans chase you into the water - so it’s easily doable.


It’s just a shame how little of a s**t they give.
I watched the live stream and it just made me cringe, i was cringing so hard for them…

Not only was the stream painful to watch, they also didn’t address any of the feedback, nevermind this poll. Even @Wak4863 and @Anabriella , two of their biggest content creators voted for a revert. And a lot more content creators made videos about these awful changes.

I asked if they going to fix the thrall pots and pet feeder boxes (in a polite way of course), and got completely ignored.
But joking about being drunk and behaving like a hormonal teenage girl, while the other one almost falls asleep.

@Croms_Faithful and many other people on this forum take so much time to report bugs and give feedback, and that’s the reward.
We want the game to succeed and improve because we had great times with it… at some point… quite some time ago…


Did the devs mention fixing enemy AI’s insane tracking at all? I’m getting a bit sick and tired of using all my stamina to dodge away from the one-sword guy, only to get killed because I had zero stamina when I stand back up and can’t do anything.


As I understand it, there have been some changes made but it is still an ongoing process. Hopefully we should see some improvement - although I do worry that the upcoming changes to stamina may make this situation worse. (I’m actually in favour of the stamina change - a return to having to put some effort into stamina management feels like it should be a positive - but only if we no longer have to roll repeatedly in order to evade heat-seeking enemies.)


We could simply try to keep this thread alive until FC reverts those awful changes.
I know a “trick” i‘ve learned from a beloved community member! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Bump :joy:

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I think they were basically reverted as long as you check a box in the settings.


To me it sounded more like this

But we’ll see how things turn out, and thx for telling me. :heart_hands:
I‘ll check it out when the time has come.


This one would put it more at the 85% reverted.
There is still some stutter, just not much and at a much wider angle than before.

If you noticed the spear slow down last time, it’s on about the same magnitude.

For most people, it’s going to likely be indistinguishable from how things used to be, especially as we have had over three months of the horror show since.


Shame there isn’t also a tickbox to use the old stamina system so that new characters or those playing corrupted builds can actually do combos

There’s actually better than that. You can tweak stamina regen and consumption in server settings.

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Yar and it is deliberate as you might guess. Its a little wonky because of the capsule for the critters but the npcs swim just fine. My derketo pool specifically has water depth set so the panthers dont look too strange following you to make a meal out of you. I am working on swimming creatures in general but animation isnt in my toolbox yet.


To be fair, if they would implement tickboxes for every change they make we would already have hundreds of them. And it would break the game even more!
We already have infinite stamina bugs, or people running while over encumbered without having any points spent in expertise.
They can’t even manage to polish the current system, so how would it be better if we could choose between multiple, probably equally buggy systems?