Poll => Combat Changes

It always bugged me that thralls don’t swim most of the times. What causes it? Any idea?

There is a nav modifier volume for water that unless they have water nav available they wont enter. Its a volume deliberately attached to keep landwalkers out. My guess is, the npcs while in water are not yet satisfactory so they are kept out, but they dont have to be.

Do you experience problems when you make your npcs able to swim, @darthphysicist ? Because I can’t see the reason why Funcom hasn’t dealt with this after so many years. Is it something hard to do or prone to unexpected problems?

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It’s not hard to make them swim; they do that automatically when the volume doesn’t block them. It’s just that they swim after you and the attacks aren’t the best and stuff. They probably want to do it better if they allow it. It’s one of those polish things. They have swim animations just like the player does, so it’s probably just not something they like the way it is. Stuff like crocs kind of just sink, so they’d need swim animations with buoyancy and things. I’m working on adding sharks and it’s a bit of a pain (but then again, I’m an amateur so maybe it’d be easier for them, just a question of priority).

Thanks, @darthphysicist .
Yes, sometimes thralls follow you right into the water and swim after you. But that’s rare. I think I understood your explanation. It’s a small thing, but water is a missed oportunity so far and it covers a significant part of the map.

Maybe you could ping the AoC modders and pick their brain on how they got their sharks working. They’re pretty effective :grimacing:

I can make them travel flat surfaces easy enough. If they are at constant height, its easy. The trick is over an uneven seabed and making them go up and down. Snowhunters mermaids clearly do what I want so I know if I stop being lazy, I can figure it out.

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Btw, i got a question regarding stamina (don’t know if this is the right thread for this… but anyway).
Rolling thrust gets its stam reduction removed, but does that mean we will get lower stamina cost in general? Are we able to combo again?
… like back in the day.
Because stamina also recovers slower.

I‘m on console so i can’t test it on testlive…

So… can anyone tell us how stamina will work in general?

There is nothing new we even like or use.
We dont do evil things in life, we dont do them in game.

Before CE opened in 2018 it was a more fun game.
Now we just waiting to see if they screw up Dune in the same way.

they will kill it just like they did with Secret World and just like they are doing with Conan Exiles

I hate it to be the pessimistic guy but i am what i am.


This very poll and the release of chapter 4 speaks volumes about FUNdamentaly inCOMpetent and their tencent overlords.

The vast majority of players (including some of the biggest CE content creators) voted for a revert.

… and of course FC does the most reasonable thing and does NOT listen to their customers.
They even make it worse.

It’s mind blowing and fascinating at the same time.
Like a train wreck.

Or a drunken fool who is simultaneously vomiting and wetting his pants, while he’s trying to ride a bicycle where the seat is missing.

It’s just incomprehensible for me how such a company can possibly have this kind of attitude.
The disrespect for their own community finally reached rock bottom.

If a restaurant sells a dish that is very well received, but changes the recipe all of a sudden what causes financial losses.
You as the business owner should either change the recipe again or maybe simply go back to the original recipe.
But instead they decide to tell everyone

“you’re just clueless boomers without any sense of >>novel cuisine<<. You just don’t know what’s >>good<<. We know better!”

(And i earn my money as chef at a restaurant btw, you don’t tell your guests they are wrong if they don’t like what you serve them. Trust me!)

There is only one response to such a behavior that comes to my mind, and if it gets me silenced again or even banned i honestly don’t care.



You get to fight the UI now, trying to get 50 feasts out of a stack of 5000

It’s going to be SOOOO painful during fights, if you need something real quick.

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