A new PvP/RP server is up and looking for dedicated players to build a population. The server names is Undaunted. There is a discord available for rules and discussion. The link is in the Undaunted server message of the day. The server is 10 x experience for fast leveling to the cap of 60 and 5 x harvest for less of a grind, slightly boosted stamina, crafting times, thrall and pet conversion, and weapon, tool, and armor durability. Slightly increased day and decreased night. 24/7 raid times. Increased purge level and occurrence. There are events planned and raid bases being built. Admin shop available for those overly annoying to acquire items (Gold coins in game as currency, not a pay to win thing). If interested in a restart this server would be a good place. If you are new then the server would serve you well as it is still new and building a population. Would appreciate seeing you there.