PS4 Hotfix (15.06.2020) - Fix for connectivity issues

Completely agree. Now get ready for Phase 2 “Complaining about the file size” is about to begin in 3.2.1…

5 days for a 1.2gb hotfix to credentials. :joy::rofl::joy:

Check now, Im dowloading the update

Can someone tell me if the xp boost applies to thralls as well, please?

downloading patch on Central U.S. now.

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I was wondering the same thing, I’ll get back to you on that when I kill a skeleton or wight.

As they said though, it may take a server restart to establish the 2x XP and harvests.

My update literally just came through. Check it again now. :slight_smile:
Happy gaming!!

Have you released the hot fix for the United States? I still cannot log in.

Oh, terribly sorry. I avoided addressing you directly, since I see you joined the server a few days ago. But since you have seen fit to reply to me in such an intellectual and outstanding manner, allow me to clarify.

You are a whiny little brat, who speaks with the knowledge of a turnip. Not a single one of your posts is at all helpful to anyone.

I realize your lack of decorum can be attributed to your inability to paste together coherent thought based on anything other than assumptions. Assumptions, I might add, that could be attributed to your personal experience, and/or personal ethic.

Since you rabidly attack anyone who questions you, it is further apparent that your obstinate ignorance may, in fact, be terminal.

Or, to put it another way, paraphrasing the Dean;

Arrogant, dumb, and stupid are no way to go through life.


Honestly, i think you’ll consider anything you read that’s not the way you want it to be as preaching.

I am not disagreeing with you being upset about being “left in the dark” We just have different approaches to the same situation.

I’ve already said i agree that they could be better at communicating with their playerbase. I just choose not to be bitter about it.

Would i have liked to play conan over the weekend? Of course. But my life didn’t stop me from enjoying my weekend without it.

I wish you the absolute best, have a lovely remainder of your day.

Pineapple is delicious on pizza, when accompanied by ham. :slight_smile: lol

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Yes. at the same moment it came out of the download for the guy from canada, i checked it here

Dude they said it’s a licencing issue like hundred times, they also said the problem is on Sonys end since Friday.
Read first before you speak

Yes yes yes en Colombia nice

Dude you need to calm down and think about how you speak to others!!
Do you have evidence to support your statement that is 100% Funcorms fault?? No! Than STFU!
They released numerous statement about what is going on, if you didn’t read it that’s on you. Twitter/Forum/Facebook multiple times. What they supposed to do to keep you happy? release a statement every 5 min???
I really hope you won’t be able to log in for another several days and you base getting waxed. I really do

Can we get a server rollback or something logged in to find my base stripped clean at a time where we couldn’t even defend it

Thank you.

Double harvest and experience are both active currently.

sorry to say this but never going to happen.
Next week you get offline raided, are you coming back and asking for a rollback again?

I understand the servers were down and you couldn’t defend your base but how is that different from offline raiding?

Its completely different everything is gone do to me not being able to get on despite my efforts to if I didn’t get on that day by choice thats a different story and is my fault but that wasn’t the case