hey there fellow exiles, i’m a ps4 player who is looking for people to hang out with on the game as none of my friends are interested in getting the game right now, my PSN i sniperdavid2k13 if you want to add me and play together
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Hi I’m on ps4 too. Where you thinking about pvp or pve?
My PSN is cgreens21 message me and add me.
Im at work now but I will be on in 3 or 4 hours
PS4 player also what kinda player are you?
I NEED a pal. my psn name is Odins-Follower. i am already kinda far into game, not too far but i have a base and dont want to abandon it send a friend request if your a chill dude or dudet willing to join my clan. i play on official server #3839 pve america. im a chill guy. i like comedy. im also a low tier youtuber. i may eventually move to pvp but not until after iv played enough in pve.
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