PS4 Patch (26.06.2019) - The Warmaker's Sanctuary, Population Revamp, Temperature and more!

Hi Ignasis,
from what I have been able to find out. As a new user I can’t share links. Any thoughts?

You can send us (in a private message) the link with some spaces in it and we can edit it to make it functional. :slight_smile:

The Warmaker Weapons Don’t Do Damage When On Thralls.

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Has anyone had any luck with ladders now post-patch?

I have a hatch 2 units above me where I used to have one ladder right below the hatch. 2 would fit but as we know the bug destroyed the second ladder.

So now with patch the ladder was destroyed as stated as part of the patch. But when I try to place the new ladder, it only lets me place it above the hatch and not below the hatch.

So…a grey ape has 3610 hp points. A Silverback has 8265. Well unless the grey ape does considerably more damage than the silverback why would i ever go to the black keep for getting a heart when heart of hero is much easier to get? What am i missing here?

Hi @Ignasi,
Additional info to complete te description of this bug and in addition to the file sent by @SpaceCats :
As done by @Geo855, I started from Zero 2 days ago and it worked fine until this morning WHERE THIS BUG CAME BACK. I just set the Hughe basement made of CUBES ONLY(no triangles) using admin god flying setting; more than 20 000 reinforced wood blocks at least, all reaching the top of the north hill, the all thing covering 1/3 of the north G4 area ( where the Kudu’s family is (was) and above Big Croc home who left the 1st day, ending before the Sinner’s refuge but far enough to make PNJ’s to stay. Additionally to cubes for basement I added 4 gateways and gates , 5 v.Elevators to reach the top of the hill + 1 h.E, 7 pet pens , 4 vaults, a bed and that’s it … I suspect that fully covering the north face hill till the top led to that unload integrity check failure when starting loading the game.

I actually dont really understand the purpose of these weapons. Even though they have good damage stats and good durability its not worth loosing 40% Health and Stamina for it. And when thralls do no damage with it its even more useless. I found a way to wield the destroyer without having 40% corruption on me but it comes with a catch. You cant uneqiup and re-equip it or you will be corrupted again. so it will just be a weapon for display with no real use.

Thanks for the update. :heart:
Now only the new problems have to be solved. :v:t4:

Well honestly I’d like some very old issues to be solved too (e.g.: the alteration of character’s height causing dead physisics?).
New contents are always welcome but… really?
Some issues seems never to be taken in consideration… since release.

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Single player STILL crashing,had to start my base from scratch the day after the newest patch, and now that new base IS CRASHING ASWELL. Hours worth of complex structure building for nothing.

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@AlienGirl1999, I confirm for single player/offline.
I did restart from zero 2 times already since the last patch.
If I build like hell, its stands 2 days and then crashed the 3rd one, having to delete the >60 meg size saved file .
Yesterday (the 2nd day), it freezed a few times leading to the usual PS4 generic (CE-34878-0) error code display and fortunately restarted fine each time (progression loading bar did not blocked when reaching #80%)… but it freezed like before the patch delivery.
Today, the 3rd day, I keep fingers crossed, I hope we’ll have some update (@Ignasi) knowing that the dev team got the Log-file to look for root cause last Friday (and I hope for them they don’t work during the weekend ;-), expecting infos mid week ?.

Our team is looking into the single player crashes. Please if you’re affected by this send your crash report through the PS dashboard so we can get a hold of it.
Apologies for the frustration.


I didn’t see anything of it in the patch notes. Ïf I missed it please tell me, but does anyone else have the issue that the loot pool in unnamed changed om an okay amount to barely any? I did three runs in unnamed (15 to 20 bosses) and i got three pieces of armour and the fangs of red mother. While before the update I could’ve gotten a couple weapons already.

Anyone know if this is on purpose? Or a bug?

Thanks Ignasis, probs started just today, sent through prob report via ps4 reporting, hopefully you guys get it soon.

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Hey YannCool, just tried just building with nothing else up near north boarder and safari, and same probs as before with reloading, it would seem there is a 3 or 4 day build before the crash, i thought it could be too much things going on but I just tried building only with nothing else and still crashed, foundations, walls and ceiling, door frames with no doors, working okay then 7 hours later crash when trying to load. I do think it was starting to rain before I exited, if that helps. Thanks.

Hi Geo855 and thanks for the update.
That’s interesting ! It somehow goes to the root cause I suspect : I don’t count in “days” before it crashes, but “size of the file to be loaded”. I noticed the two times I had to start from scratch, thegae size of the file to be deleted was above and around 60 Megs. So maybe nothing to do with complex structures, but simply quantity of structure ?.
To be continued till next episode :wink:

There’s an issue with crafting the black corsair chestguard and gauntlets. It seems to be inverted, the gloves requires the perfected light chest padding and the chestguard requires the perfected light gloves lining.

I thought the black keep heart was for the Black Yeti, which is 8200 HP. I forget which ones give the normal white Yeti.

Valis Heart - Gorilla
Hero Heart - Silverback
Kinscourge Heart - Grey Ape

Nordheimer Heart - Yeti
Heart of the Sands (Scourgestone pieces) - Black Yeti


I’m not sure where I can address this problem so I hope a dev will respond here. After this patch was uploaded I’ve had several things happen to me that didn’t make much sense but this last time was a bit too much. I logged off my game at 8 pm yesterday and I never came back online. I logged onto my game at 4pm this afternoon and according to the event log I lost all my stuff at 652 am. How can this even be possible? I asked my clan mates about it and I was told this has been happening to a lot of people. They also told me that has been happening on PC as well. So my question to you is will there be some sort of reimbursement of items that was lost because of this glitch? It’s been happening since the last update but it hasn’t been addressed yet and I feel like it’s a critical issue. I lost everything I had on my body at a moment that I wasn’t even online or awake in real time.