PS4 Update 2.3 (19.04.2021) - Major Update! Balancing, Fixes, Stability, Performance, and more!

Dude this stamina is terrible. Running anywhere is even more annoying than it was. I gotta click to make him walk or no stamina will come back at all like before. This is just bad design. I get that it’s new and maybe I gotta adjust. But I’ve been wrecked like 5 times tonight because in a fight I got slow walk away from the fight just to get any stamina. It’s not enjoyable at all.


It’s a bad mechanic. It was fine the way it was. And I hated that way too.

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You have been asking for an update for 8 months, now you want it to return as it was before, do you realize that you are heavy? The problems you say do not happen to me, the update is going well for me, and what’s more, it’s a great job from funcom, hopefully the island of siptah will arrive soon to enjoy it

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Try it on a new game, no perks, no god mode, the moment you have to fight more than one exile at a time, stamina management becomes a nightmare. I also play Outward, which has one of the slowest stam regens ive ever seen (even with buffs), and i still manage stamina better in that game.

I can full combo twice in light armour. Maybe try a lighter armour.

I’m not here to change you’re mind bud, you’re entitled to an opinion for sure, I’m just not going to write off straight away until I’m sure that it’s not something I can get used to like I have done with every other game I play. I’m a massive souls fan so getting touched up is not something that bothers me. I’m not enjoying it at the moment either lol I’ve said I’ve died a bunch to basic enemies myself. But I AM getting better.


Well friend I prefer the resistance like this, so when you fight against a pvp player you can not run and run, and never catch it … They have implemented something very good and add some difficulty in pve mode if this is not a walk. You could kill the champion only with a shield. Let’s be logical … You can also put the resistance to the maximum and thus you do not get tired. But it’s the best they’ve ever done … If you want, I’ll give you videos from before the Update that killed the champion naked with a shield … It doesn’t make sense.

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Is the fiber cloth that gives you no protection light enough for you? I dont know if you guys are missing the part where i tell people to try it in a new game with no perks or god mode. After every major patch i test the mechanics in single player with endgame gear, and i also try it out on a new online server to see how it affects the balance in the beginning when you are weakest. When i first stated this game the mechanics allowed for a skilled player to make up for the low level character’s weakness, but this game has been messing up every system, lowering the skill ceiling down to the ground.

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I have played as you say, and honestly before the Update it was pointless. He killed the red mother and the naked champion with a stone spear and shield. Now with this update you can’t kill her like this. In pvp battles the player’s skill is valued … Before you ran and ran and nobody caught you. Let’s be serious … It is a survival game and now it is well implemented

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And heres the root of the problem: making these changes with pvp in mind, and making offline solo players pay for it too. The reason everything has been nerfed to the ground is because of Funcom’s inability to balance the game for both pvp and pve. It took them this long to add sprinting attack which was what they need to implement from the start when runners became an issue, but they also added this stupid nerf that makes running a thing of the past any way. Genius!!!

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Friend, you fight hand to hand with the resistance like this is great … The skill of the player is prioritized. I also play 1 player games and the stamina modification seems correct to me. Not even conan the barbarian could against 15 NPC against him … Now it is important to have a slave … At last the game makes sense.

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So its back to “thrall plays the game for me”, which was deemed bad with the latest X updates that nerfed level20 thralls to be weaker than old thralls which couldnt even level?

Does Funcom ever know in which directions it wants to go?

And you completely missed the point of Omega: If Funcom cannot manage to make the game enjoyable for PvP and PvE, just remove one.

I am really on the verge of letting my base decay, as the damn server already decayed 2 bases anyway. Even when I was visiting them…
I always go first to my Temple of frost base, to get some ice, so I teleport to the volcano without gear to refresh my maproom there.
One day my temple of frost base was decayd, but all other bases were still there. And I login every Wednesday and weekends. So 2 times it didnt count, that I was at my base, eating food and putting 3 ice in my inventory…

Also my Mounts of the dead base happened the same thing… But there I had over 50 thralls (berserkers and Dalinsia) in chests… Why is your damn decay mechanic not even working?

After I found out, my temple of frost base was gone, the whole server hanged for 1minute at the volcano…
Nothing worked. No light turned on nothing, no NPCs spawned, just a dead map… Went into my base, hoping for a DC, but suddenly a lvl3 NPC was there, nearly killing me…

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I play officials bud I’ve never had admin rights let alone god mode and constantly respec depending what I’m doing. As I’ve said I’m happy for you guys to have an opinion. I merely stated mine. You won’t change it. Enough hours to determine wether or not I can adjust may change it, time will tell :man_shrugging:


Just because its a survival game doesnt mean you have to make every mechanic be so detrimental that your character feels less capable than the average human. If they could give their AI better tactics they wouldnt have to nerf the players tools for them to land a hit. Other games with open world pvp have runners too. And it should remain an option for those who do not wish to engage, but even in those other games with pvp, you can catch runners cuz the game gives you the tools, instead of nerfing the runner

I was up against just 2 not 15, you know, the minimum required to be plural. And just with that i wasn’t able to keep them at bay, especially since after dodging one, the other one hits me as i recover from that stupid “fat roll”

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But then you say, you need thralls to carry you. If this game had good mechanics, you would only need thralls to defend your base from a purge and help in boss fights, not beat even the weakest enemies in the game for you. Also if you need thralls to survive fighting exiles, how do you even get your thalls? You need to fight them with non lethal weapons, which is harder than actually trying to kill them. The mental gymnastics people will do to defend this game’s current state would put a dagger wielding dancer to shame

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That is the skills, weapons and armor that you have, I yesterday faced more than 2 in the Ship and I regret to tell you that I was victorious. As I say the ability of each player is what commands, maybe you should train more pvp instead of recriminating for the forum

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Friend if you play 1 player games you can modify the stamina, if you play in pve this change will benefit you to learn more and enjoy the experience more, if you play pvp this change will be successful to learn to fight 1vs1 and show your skills and be someone difficult to annihilate on your server. They are all advantages … What you cannot do is criticize this update … When we have not had a super update of funcom for a long time, this time you have to sit down and applaud, you have finally listened to the community. It is a step forward.

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If i wanted to play on easy, i would select easy when i start the game, and the reason i dont change it is because i was planning on eventually playing on an official server once the game was more stable. Since the game kept getting worse with each update, it just became more of a QA job to see what they messed up this time. Oh, and just so you know, skill is intrinsic to the player, so weapons and armor are not it. I have gone up against enemies that can one shot me in many games, but i was able to do it, not through numbers given to me by equipment, but through skillful play. It takes a lot longer than if you are properly equipped, but if the mechanics are made with player skill in mind, it is possible, and this game used to be like this, but it slowly started diminishing the player’s in game abilities, to the point where you now solely rely on gear and/or thralls to succeed even in the most minor thing. I find games vastly more rewarding when i get things done through my skill, not by in game stats. Im happy for you in your misguided notion that higher numbers on you character sheet means “skill”, but for me this game is a hollow shell of what it used to be. I just hope they eventually change their ways and you get to see how much better it was to have a dodge that works and combos that actually gave you strategic options.


By the way, when do you think island of siptah comes out for ps4? With the materials and even the slaves in 1-player mode with the panel. It’s funny, isn’t it?

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