Pve conflict server 2020 nobody can join

2 peopels are on the server ping is at 37 and when you try to join it sayes unabel to connect restart game ive its happening again . Restart hard reset and restart the router not fix it

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I have the same problem.I can connect anywhere except here

Yeap all other servers are working

Still the server is not possibel to join

Still 1 person on this server and nobody can join

i can’t find where to report the problem. I hope it is closed for maintenance

Its show that 1 person is playin on that server

maybe a gm?

I just bought Argos dlc and I wanted to try it. Lame

I dont now it was for 2 days happenig already for more the 12 hours its totaly not a admiN

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So this isn’t the first time. I was anxious because it didn’t show off my level and I thought all was lost. if it continues I will change server

Yes it was happening for 2 days already but its the first time since ages that somthing like this is happening

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Server is still not posibel to join now since 6 hours

are you a high level player?

Yes why ?

I’m level 20something and I’m thinking to change server. if you’re a high level is out of the question

Its a wierd thing i play since a long time on this server and was have not much problems ther only in the last coupel of days its this wierd things happening

fixed! I will continue to play on this server with 2 more friends. The name is the same if I met you!

have a nice game

Hello, how did you managed to fix the problem? we are having the same problem on 1977 and a couple of servers

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