PVP how to win Lu Fei?

on the server almost everyone uses this companion. It is simply impossible to damage him and the player. How to play pvp now?


It’s still the same thrall AI. Avoid him and focus on the there player.

Unfortunately the player is also immortal. This is how the new perk Lu Fei+ magic works.

my liu fei is completely broken he does not attacks anything he not even takes the weapon, i had no luck and got a pacifist liu fei.

If you don’t even know the bug or what’s happening you shouldn’t comment. #1 Liu fei and potentially any other people in same clan near him becomes randomly INVULNERABLE. #2 as for just treating Liu fei like a regular thrall and ignoring him, he’s aura causes you to take massive damage over time and be unable to heal using potions. Literally you cannot heal unless using bandages which in pvp will not be able to do. Oh you also can’t climb any walls for roughly 1min AFTER you have disengaged. The aura is bugged his dot after hitting is bugged because funcom probably never tested vs other players. You can’t climb you can’t use potions for at least a minute after engaging all the while being attacked by other players. So treating Liu fei like any other thrall is absolutely nonsense.

This bug?

He is still just a thrall AI. Ignore him. Kill the player and he goes limp. The end. I’m not discounting that the bug needs to be fixed but there are so many other exploits in the game that we just roll with the punches and this is just another one. I would much rather see a fix towards the coin pile skybase issue than this.

Liu Fei was clearly made with PvE in mind. It’s nice for PvE. At least he isn’t useless. He shouldn’t exist on PvP. If you nerf him, he becomes useless on PvE. If you don’t, he completely unbalances PvP. Temporary suggestion: get as many as you can. While at it, get a female votaries bearer III from the tavern. She comes with a staggering 65k HP at base level, because reasons. :smile:


And sit with your army of sorcerers and bearers in a skybase of coins while paying for a hacker codes to gain admin access to officials.

Yeah Lui Fei is the least of the issues I see affecting PVP.


At this point, jokes is all I’ve got. You can’t take this game seriously any longer.


Don’t attack them directly.
Bait them to attack areas you don’t intend to defend and raid them while they are out.
Do not directly engage.
If they take their Liu Fei with them, then he’s not a problem.
If they leave him behind, bait him in to damaging terrain or features. Ones that he cannot directly fight.
Some of his business is impacted by whether he is actively fighting. Deny that option.

But yes, it is supremely annoying.

This video only shows part of the problem. He heals not only himself, but also the player, and both cannot be killed. Also, if you use the aura instead of the demon, they heal almost instantly.

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How do you kill the player when Liu fei is making them invulnerable? Clearly you don’t play pvp because this is the biggest bug effecting gameplay right now by far.

What you’re talking about isn’t nearly as prevalent as Liu fei, which also isn’t bannable so literally everyone is abusing liu. The bug you’re talking about is bannable which keeps some players from using because they don’t want their entire clan foundation wiped.

You don’t. You offline them. While I don’t do it much anymore, if you are playing,then you know ‘this is the way’. If you want to pretend you are all about fighting and that makes the pvp game, go for it. You and I both know that offlining is what everyone does when available.

As far as the getting banned. I really don’t think anyone cares anymore if they do or not with so many alt accounts flying around.

Liu fei gives enemy thralls and player corupting curse.
When you have that curse. You cant kill anything.
Not just liu fei or other player.
Try hit npc and you see. While you have corupting curse. You healing them over their max hp.

Liu fei doesnt heal himself. But other player hitting him while having corupting curse.

Only attack when you dont have corupting curse
Liu fei also goes down quick with bombs

Lots of players says its a bug and reporting players with liu fei. Or complain.

Totally agree and totally unplayable.

If the devs dont start playing their own game.Its GG.

Even for PVE the thrall is so OP.might as well go play farmville if any and all negative consequences are taken out of the game.

Thralls cant die anymore and if they do, you simply revive them.

its just laughable at this point.

and you use liu fei too let them fight ez

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