Redeemed Silent legion armor

I just logged in and my characters redeemed silent legion armor (chest and Legs) are broekn and I can’t repair any of the armor pieces at the armor bench.

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Well crap, I was just logging in to check that one. You’ll have to use a repair kit.

:rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Kinda hoping that was a bug! :crying_cat_face:

Grand Master Repair Kit didnt work on mine :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Hoping that this is a bug that will be fixed soon :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Check the status of your recipes.

You may have lost the ability to repair Armor because you lost access to the recipes.

The current workaround is to buy an item off the Bazaar store, which opens access to recipes. Not ideal, but there is no other workaround at the moment.

No thats not the case because I remade the broken armour


Well you found another bug!

Chalk it up on the list!


:partying_face: Love that for us! :joy: Time to bulk craft armour :moneybag: :moneybag:

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