Server #1137 access to the game server is blocked

Game mode: Online official yes
Type of issue: blocked
Server type: 1137 PvP
Region: EU

access to the game server is blocked.


Can you log to other official servers?

this user has blocked access to this server .

such a message and only to this server

Region locked?

Server type : 1137 PvP
Region: EU

everyone busy to help

Just checked, I have no issues logging to this server. There are also 5 other people online. All regions seem to be unlocked:

So only 2 more suggestions:
How is your ping? Maybe your ping is too high to log in here.
Could it be that you are banned?

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Could it be that you are banned?

and for which I was banned ? for what ban on this server 1137 ?
where to find out ?

I don’t know if you are banned. Only Funcom can tell you. I am just trying to think of all possible scenarios why your access might be blocked.

Did you check your ping? If it is too high, maybe this is the reason.

@Ignasi Can you assist? Can you think of any other reason why the access to a specific game server can be blocked?

I wrote to him, there is a target support

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??? . hm

yesterday I was blocked from access to one server today to all servers

I also have all official servers blocked !!!

Hey there,

To discuss and appeal bans please DM either me or @Hugo. also please be aware we’re out of office during most weekends.

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