So, about that fence stacking thing being gone

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Can I ask when bombs were weaker than they currently are? Bombs used to do 10k damage now do 5k and the splash was a larger radius. Funcom nerfed bombs and at the same time cut door/gate HP in half…

Summer 2018?

Sorry I can’t give an exact date, It was after launch, but before I went on a break from the game.
Gods were non functional at that time, or also weak?

It was also for a brief amount of time, I wasn’t around to test things.
I just remember a lot of buzz about it on the forums, that was quiet when I came back after around a month.

Lastly for reasons I won’t go into too much detail about,
I have health issues that mess up my memory sometimes, but not too often.
So I could be remembering it wrong, or a different game.
If this is the case I apologize.

@Barnes can you help me out? I’m I remembering wrong? or do you remember them nerfing bombs for a while?

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So now essentially - the way funcom wants us to play the game is this:
Every time when you log in, just plan on waking up naked and in the desert and your base raided.

It seems the only way to prevent this (vault spamming and the secret method) are both ways that people expect funcom will try to eliminate? So if we play the game the way I think funcom wants, you will never build anything by playing “legit pr funcom” on a populated PvP server.

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In June of 2018 (right after launch), bomb jars were all over the map. They had different booms for different items, and when it came to temples especially, they were darn near useless. Since temples never decayed, you could use them as a plug, through which you could hand valuables to clan members deeper in the base.


Every day you log in, your expectation should be respawn in the desert. No matter what build, what plan, what back up you have…just plan on it all being gone the next day and if it isn’t…woohooo! While I understand the whole idea of long campaigns and attachments to what you build and time and blah and blah and blah, I just don’t understand why enjoyment is lost if you loose what you gained. We all signed up for it the minute we logged into a PVP server…so what gives? Is it no longer fun to build again? Is it no longer fun when you find a Beri hammering away around the Highlands or even better…a Dalensia while you are looking for Star metal? IMHO, it’s when we are weak that the game is the most fun. Climbining up again…finding that perfect spot to stage your game…and most importantly…learning what went wrong and re-evaluating your gameplay based on what you learned.

The day that bugs and exploits will leave this game, will be a gigantic step forward either for gamers and company. Exploit abuse and hack are no different in my eyes, both of them is cheating. The nasty point of exploits however is that the gaming company has the greatest piece of mistake here allowing cheaters to use it as a mechanic of the game, no matter if the company is always informing that it is unintentional behavior and ban people for using it. Every exploit of the game must eclipse, the game will return in a healthy competition and let’s hope it will fill the servers again. Want it or not, until now the competition was uneven, so new players were loosing hope very quick and quit the game. This game is difficult already for a new player, adding the huge advantage of the lvl difference, the huge advantage of legendary and other late game weapons against the Iron and steel and finishing with fence stacking for veterans of the game, unbreakable fortresses bringing new players to desperation and quit. Today is a day that we congratulate devs for a huge step forward, this is the wind of change my friend.


I disagree with that statement. Most likely you dont know to play game efficient but what was causing players to leavd were mesher and pork thralls. Afterwards became a fair game.


Yes indeed. Big congratulations to Dennis.

4 months to fix gate duping an exploit that should’ve been hot fixed the day it was introduced into the game. Well done Dennis you’re doing us all proud keep up the great work by giving us thrall emotes I love these huge content updates that really just impact game play.


I don’t understand why people are still putting up with funcom at this point. The game is terribly made, terribly maintained (if you can even call it maintained), terribly managed, and frankly I think they honestly just don’t care enough to finish the game. You’re all basically still playing early release with dumb tweaks made to it. Maybe what you guys should play Rust? At least it has a thriving population and isn’t ignored into oblivion like Conan Exiles… All the pvp you want there with base building that actually works…

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But Rust nood models look baaaaad.

This is the first post I have seen from him. Maybe he hopes that the game may be good at some point.

You know, hope dies last.

Uhm, this is like the second post of mine you replied to and posted a response that didn’t actually have anything to do with what I said or was completely nonsensical and inaccurate. I never made a post here claiming I didn’t care or cared about anything. That wasn’t the context of my post.

Maybe if you’re going to actually go through the trouble of making an ugly meme with ugly fonts, you should perhaps take a reading comprehension class in college so you understand what it is you’re replying to.

Name an online game that doesn’t has these problems?
Make sure to mention something similar to this game, not fall guys or fortnite please.
There is none…
So immediately does not exist…
Still if it was easy they would do it “immediately”, name one employee that wants to listen complains from his boss.
As I stated, one really good step is been done, looking forward for more :+1:t6:.

Ps, @JJDancer where do I place order for the t-shirt?
My wife will love it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’m just going to say it’s not about other game companies. Every game has bugs. It’s just that this one has way too many. It’s obvious that it was poorly coded and I maintain the opinion that this game was put into early access and eventually released without the proper polishing it really needed. The graphics and overall game are fantastic, but these glitchy bugs and exploits are what is making it miserable to play.

WoW had an issue back in the day with people mining things under the world. Eventually it was fixed for the most part and they banned people doing that nonsense by implementing a technology called “sentinel” into the game that looked for cheats and exploits and banned the players accordingly. It would be nice to see Funcom giving this game the love it deserves. Read steam reviews about these issues. These forums only have like a minimal amount of people compared to tens of thousands of people that bought and refunded the game or bought it and stopped playing it like I once did. I’m about to quit for the second time because after 2 years of not playing, the bugs and glitches have not at all been addressed in any kind of way that would seem obvious to me.

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Starcraft had no problems and they didnt put a limit on builds :rofl:

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It’s great that that’s your experience and your outlook. Not everyone is like you or shares the same beliefs as you. I get tired of your type that goes around on game forums like this and tries to act like because you’ve accepted a pile of trash as being acceptable, everyone else should too. Feel free to flag this cause you disagree with it.


All but one method is still stacking. And since it’s no longer allowed I doubt it’s legal just because it’s a new method.


Obviously you aren’t getting the service you think you should get from FC so how does it stack to the competition out there? Is Rust or Ark that much more enjoyable? See while you can critique it all for being crap, the online surival game industry has a set of normal expectations for customer service and perfection. Do you go in and demand full fledged 5 star cuisine from Waffle House? No…but sometime you really are craving the smothered and covered omellete that only Waffle house provides. Now I don’t believe FC is waffle house but it’s still a good comparison to understand expectations and perhaps shooting for the moon will only leave you bitter and unfulfilled…if FC had the revenue and resources of Bethesda, I would agree with you that I would expect more as well. But it doesn’t…and the game is running great on my PS5 with mild bugs that I can deal with. Are there exploits? Yep. Always will be…there is no perfect game that has no exploits. Sorry God isn’t a game coder. There are things you can raze them on because you know when it gets exposed by us, someone in QC is facepalming themselves…but then there are other things that are just out of reach that are good goals to have…and finally there are these El Dorado dreams that can be put in a 5 year plan.

Also I think we need to understand what requires a hot fix and what can be put on the docket for the next revision. If it’s game breaking (as in you can’t log in, you get booted, your entire system crashes etc) these are hot fix moments. Exploits that provide unfair advantavges to a game that is still quite playable…yeah not a hot fix. Just because you find it absurd doesn’t change the fact that the game can still be enjoyed by all that are playing (minus those that just find it completely unacceptable to have a game with an exploit like this that or the other). Chests that are disappearing because someone got the idea of balancing them on shelves or bowls…not a hot fix. Put them on the ground and they function just fine.

Do these things need to be fixed? Yes. Do they have to drop everything and cancel the meeting with Tencent over the quarterly report and status report on Dune because you got issues…no. That is what a Karen would expect.

Am I one of the few folks t that has some level of empathy towards employees and companies that are actively trying to do good with their customers? I’m really starting to worry about the state of affairs on ethics, professionalism, and cooperation.

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Good god… What has happened to my thread? I was literally just looking for new building methods now that fence stacking is gone… I… I’m speechless at the monstrosity this has turned in to. Like holy crap


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