Sorcery a joke and so is this game now

You base your data on Reddit? A site that isn’t funcom. The point of a hypothesis is to be proven or disproven. Keep on topic. Explain to me why sorcery is good to you? None have given me a sorcery reason. Improve combat isn’t sorcery. Better stats point distribution isn’t sorcery. Tell me how many times do you use sorcery? How often is it used by you? Jimbo why do you like the battle pass? The battle pass stop dlc in the stores. The battle pass has a glitch of it’s own. Coins going missing. Players biggest complain is missing coins. The battle pass steals cool looking cosmetics and locks it behind a pay wall. If I wanted Fortnight I play Fortnite. I came to Conan Exiles to avoid Fortnight and battle pass. The devs disappointment me with this battle pass in Conan Exiles.

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