Specter coating improvements


Does anyone even use that thing? Does the majority even know, that such a thing exists in the first place?


Is there a reason behind it, that it has 2.5kg weight and a poison only 0.88kg?

I would like to use it, but I dont use it, beause its not practical at all… Either pump up the 10 swings or set the weight to 0.88kg…

Or make a new recipe where you can combine more Coatings and you get a better Coating. Holds longer and not so much weight…

Poison doesn’t affect wights as much as I’ve noticed but specter coating works very well against them. I’ve only used it when I’m wandering in the Mounds where there’s too much annoying wights always aggroing you, while all you want is enjoying the constant rain and glooming light so you can really work on being truly depressed.

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At least FC should reduce the weight to the same level as poisons…

The weight is probably just an oversight. Would make sense to make a thread about it comparing the weights.

If Funcom applied your suggestion (I’ve made numerous similar suggestions) to Spectral Coating AND Poisons, by just increasing the maximum total stack number even if meant consuming 2-3 doses at once, I’d be all for it

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