Pve server 6158. Steam platform no mods. I was stuck to floor up 3 stories this morning but logoff. Then played single player couple hours and came on pve server 1750 it was fine. So i think its sporadic. Back on 6158 and can move.
I’m having a lot of issues cropping up I didn’t have before. I lost the ability to do anything with anything in an bench or chest. I can’t select anything to do anything.
Everyone dropped through last night; everyone falling through foundations at the same time is a pretty regular occurrence. Last night I fell through then was stuck on the ground because I couldn’t activate my elevator.
Not sure what is going on but the game is getting steadily worse with out funcom doing anything to it.
Yesterday evening, i had to dismantle the foundations around me to get out, fell through my ceilings 4 times. Same today and i had to relog 4 times until it was sort of stable-ish.
Until last week, i wasn’t affected much by it, now it is always present.
I wondered if there is a correlation with people running purges