Stuck After Login In

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1502
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Stuck on Foundations or Bed after Login in. When I tried to run or moved, it pulled me back. I had to relog multiple times to solve the issue.

Bug Reproduction:

Login in → Stuck

Thank you!

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Greetings Exile,

Thank you for your report. Please follow the steps to verify your game files:

  1. Open Steam
  2. In Library, click with the right button on the game and select “Properties”
  3. Select the Local files
  4. Select Verify integrity of game files….

If the issue still persists, please make sure your internet connection is stable and also try other Official Servers to see if the issue persists.

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

My Set, this has been going on for ages and “foot nailed to floor” is a very well known to everyone EXCEPT funcom. Just how is that?

The solution offered up is not going to fix this issue. funcom does know people are falling through foundations, right? Or falling through the world?


Pve server 6158. Steam platform no mods. I was stuck to floor up 3 stories this morning but logoff. Then played single player couple hours and came on pve server 1750 it was fine. So i think its sporadic. Back on 6158 and can move.

falling through foundations mid game is getting worse in the past days

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I’m having a lot of issues cropping up I didn’t have before. I lost the ability to do anything with anything in an bench or chest. I can’t select anything to do anything.

Everyone dropped through last night; everyone falling through foundations at the same time is a pretty regular occurrence. Last night I fell through then was stuck on the ground because I couldn’t activate my elevator.

Not sure what is going on but the game is getting steadily worse with out funcom doing anything to it.


Yesterday evening, i had to dismantle the foundations around me to get out, fell through my ceilings 4 times. Same today and i had to relog 4 times until it was sort of stable-ish.
Until last week, i wasn’t affected much by it, now it is always present.
I wondered if there is a correlation with people running purges

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I encounter this issue very often. Just kill yourself and respawn.

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