Sudden death in Jhebbal Sag dungeon

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 8034

Bug Description:

When entering the dungeon of jhebbal sag, you die while climbing the stairs, something invisible kills you, like a barrier, it kills you instantly and you lose everything on your body.

Bug Reproduction:

Now to go to the final boss, inside the dungeon when you try to climb the stairs you die instantly, there is no way to get to the boss.

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Greetings @Cojonan ,

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you let us know if this is happening every time you try to do this dungeon? Is this still happening?

If you could share us a video where we can verify the reported behavior we would appreciate it!

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Yes, every time siptha map

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I’m having the same issue on Siptah. I spent the night figuring out the new stuff just to die two seconds upon entering the dungeon after drinking the event potion. Losing all my gear :sob::sob::sob::sob: My death on event log says it’s from falling through the world. Attempted to summon corpse, but it’s empty.

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Question, is the event log filled with 100+ plus entries of you dying, once ever few seconds?

I ask because, after the 1st Beta patch, that started happening to me every time I joined the vanilla, dedicated server app game were were using to test.

No, just twice for the two times I died. I tried respawning in dungeon, but died again.

I appear inside the dungeon, but when I move I die instantly and you lose everything you have in your inventory. In the record it says that she has fallen across the world

Didn’t get to participate in the event because the bug was never fixed…WTF. Siptah the step child of Conan :sob:

I haven’t tried again with the latest update, I’ll try to play this weekend and see if they’ve fixed the bug. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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