Summer Retreat Contest

A curious wind travels all over the Exiled Lands. Sun watches over gloriously, as summer reaches its peak. For some, it’s time to retreat into a cool house by the water or in a cooler area. Others aren’t as lucky, living in all-purpose homes or worse yet - working under the sun’s scorching gaze.

Exiles, have you ever thought about where and how you would face the summer in the Exiled Lands? Well, no better time now to think about and work on that we gladly announce our next Building Contest theme: A Summer Retreat.

You are welcome to imagine it any way you’d like - cozy and wicked ideas are both welcome.

Exiles, it’s time to build your Summer Retreat in the Exiled Land. Whatever a “Summer Retreat” means is up to you to decide.

Judging will be based on creativity and originality of both your building and how you applied the idea of “Summer Retreat”.

Bigger is not necessarily better! While work put into a detailed construction will definitely be appreciated, a small house with an original take and well-thought-out decoration will be more impressive than a bland building with simply a lot of rooms.

Context can help us better understand nuances! This is why we are giving you a field to tell us about your building in the application form. You can name your building, talk about where it is and anything we should know (and might miss by just looking at the photos/videos!) While this is first and foremost a building contest, we will be reading and considering this field for context.

Judges will be from the community managers, community support, dev team and a select few Exiles volunteers.

There will be six winners, three for each category: unmodded and modded. As usual, we will also have a few Honorable Mentions!

Feel free to share your creations on social media with the hashtag #HotConanSummer ! In fact, one of our Honorable Mentions will be chosen from the participants using the hashtag!*

Please note that you need to fill out the participation form to enter the contest regardless!

  • Read the “How to Enter” section for more info.

All entries must be submitted by July 25, 2024 10:00 CEST.

For each category (Modded and Unmodded)

To qualify as a participant, you must send us your entry through the Participation Form.

  • If you do not submit it through the form, your application will not be counted.
  • Optionally, you can share your creation on social media with the hashtag #HotConanSummer. This is NOT a replacement for filling in the form. One of the creations shared via this way might be selected as a Honorable Mention, but the ultimate decision will be at the Jury’s discretion.
  • We will accept entries until July 25, 2024 10:00 CEST. Entries submitted after this date will not be counted.
  • Please be sure to double-check all the information and especially the email address you enter, so that we can contact you if you win.

Good luck, Exiles.

Please use only the following websites to upload your building:


  • Your entry must include an image and/or video of your building.
  • If you include a video, please keep it under 5 minutes.
  • If you include pictures, please keep it under 15 images.
  • When you submit your building entry, you affirm that it is your own work. You may have help making it, but it can only be submitted once. Please do not submit an entry that you did not make.
  • If same building is used in multiple entries, only the first entry will be counted.
  • Only one entry per person is allowed and this is true across categories (ie you can only submit an entry for modded or unmodded, not both)
  • All entries must adhere to the Conan Exiles Code of Conduct .
  • Do not edit your images in any way, such as filters.

Privacy: Funcom’s Privacy Policy is at: Privacy Policy – Funcom

Restrictions: Void where prohibited by law. Participants must be of legal age in their country of residence to participate. Directors, officers and employees of Sponsor, its parent, and any of their respective affiliate companies, subsidiaries, agents, professional advisors, advertising and promotional agencies, and immediate families of each are not eligible to win any prizes. All applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.

Use of Entries: In consideration of the chance to enter the Contest, The Sponsor(s) shall have the perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide license and right to use, modify, reproduce, publish, perform, display, distribute, make derivative works of and otherwise commercially and non-commercially exploit Entrant’s name, character, likeness, and entry materials in perpetuity and throughout the universe, in any manner or medium now existing or hereafter developed, without separate compensation to Entrant or any other person or entity.

General Release: By entering the Contest, Entrant releases participating sponsors and any of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agencies (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any liability whatsoever, and waive any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Contest or delivery, misdelivery, acceptance, possession, use of or inability to use any prize (including, without limitation, claims, costs, injuries, taxes, fees, losses and damages related to personal injuries, death, damage to or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy.

Affidavit, Release and Data Collection: As a condition of being awarded any prize, winners will be required to execute and deliver to Sponsor’s a signed Affidavit of Eligibility, which includes an acceptance of these Official Rules, a release of liability and delivery information for prizes. Entrant is informed that the data collector is Funcom Oslo AS., and the data collected will be transferred to the United States of America. Upon request, Entrant will be provided with access to Entrant’s personal data. Entrant may withdraw their personal data upon request, however in such an event, Entrant will be disqualified as an entrant in the Contest prior to the fulfillment of prizes.

Winners List: Winners will be posted on the Funcom official forums.

Funcom Oslo AS.
Kirkegata 12 N-0153 Oslo Norway


:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles



Here we go!


A pity you can’t build it in Siptah. Had a nice camp in the Redwoods there. But I guess it’s understandable, the Isle isn’t as sweltering as the Exiled Lands are :smiley:

I just want to clarify that you can’t form a team with your friends & enter what you build together. Only the main builder\creative mind behind the project can enter it?

One prize per entry. So no, a build team for one entry will not all get the prize if it wins

Clicking this just takes you to the ‘front page’ of the forums, is there a dedicated/pinned thread we should post? Or should each participant make their own?


:metal:, i miss you m8 :blush:, anticipation for another miracle!

@Pliskin i have the same question with @Azazane, can i post here or i will send private message on @Community with my photos.
Unfortunately i cannot YouTube there’s something wrong with my account in general :sob:.


It seriously frustrates me that I can’t use Vimeo which has been my usual video upload site for years.

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I’d assume it would be this thread we post our entries to

Unfortunately, the link for the “Participation Form” to qualify as a participant sends me to “SurveyMonkey” instead.

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It’s supposed to, you add all the necessary info in the survey.

siptah is left out? wow! just wow

And @Community just to see if they come around and check questions being asked here

I had no foreknowledge if this and just now you’re the first person who has ever revealed this information to me.
The survey sight has no information that tells me it is associated with FC or this contest. Then I get follow up emails wanting me to verify a google account and advising me to switch to a Chrome web browser. (I use MS Edge exclusively).
What am I supposed to think about this jerk around process??

My first impression on this experience was that of “bait and switch” dirty tactic to get me to expose my personally identifiable and other critical information.
Thanks for the enlightenment.

If this is the crap I have to go through just to place a video entry into this contest, it is not worth my time or the risk of compromising my personal information.
SurveyMonkey and FC can kiss my ass.

Just for general information. I just bought the offered 1st prize from the bazar.


The survey does have the Siptah background and the name of the contest. But yeah, it could’ve used at least a Conan Exiles logo to make it look a bit more official.
Gotta be honest though, not sure what to say on the follow up emails.

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but sorry to point this out, there is no funcom rep around to even check this thread and respond lol!

Bumping this up, it’s being buried.

Pin this thread while the contest is active?


Not this time friend :frowning: I relocated to another country and barely find any spare time for anything :sob: I couldn’t finish in time, they gave us less than two weeks for everything.


These are wonderful news, i really hope your real life is settled as you wish. Gaming is secondary now. Best wishes for better life my friend :metal:!