Sword Storm Saga (18+) || PvE-C Age of Calamitous || PC-NA

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:



Week of January 16-20th Server Updates:

Introducing shoulder pets, a new volcano mineshaft, and more!

:hammer_and_wrench: :white_check_mark: NEW: Added TWO new playable races! Players can now play as a the Dark Elves from the island of Eladune and the mask wearing Diggers!

:hammer_and_wrench: :white_check_mark: NEW: We are introducing a new Pet Tamer merchant to Sultan Sands! This merchant sells equip-able shoulder pets from the Exile Extreme mod.

:hammer_and_wrench: :white_check_mark: NEW: There is now a new mineshaft resource factory located inside of the Volcano! This factory yields Obsidian, Stone, Carbon, and Cobalt upon successful conquest.

:hammer_and_wrench: :white_check_mark: NEW: Instead of relying of starter kit to use the “Skip all tutorial quest” token, there is now a no-cooldown kit for it. You can use this by typing /kit skip ! This mitigates the possibility to die and not be able to skip them because you lost the item.

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:



:hammer_and_wrench: :white_check_mark: NEW: Expansion release of The Cinderhold Update is now live!

:star: Come enjoy our YEAR ONE EXPANSION: The dwarven city CINDERHOLD is now available for players to explore. Get ready to experience the most epic dwarf experience you’ll ever find on Conan Exiles! :star:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile:

We still have vacant spots left on our server! :slight_smile: