T4 workers bench disapearance

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1000
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

For about 3 months now, my T4 workers bench (4 to be precise) have been disappearing for no apparent reason. The last one was on January 30, 2025 " Hyam Hammerhand - Official Conan Exiles Wiki"

Bug Reproduction:

I train my bench workers. This may be the reason for their subsequent disappearance.

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This is an unfortunate, but known, bug.

You’ll have to learn to live with it until they fix it, stop playing on Officials and play where you can control the settings or a place where Living Settlements are off, or break the Living Settlements for your base(s).