Temple of the Gods Building Contest *NOW ENDED*

I seen modders create amazing things from pixie jungles to Orc war tribes. I served on and seen vids of completely rebuilt maps and dungeons with new monsters and building structures.
There’s literally no limit to how beautiful this game can get to completely making a new game.

I do use mods but not for new structures manly for just better building and armour mods so even though I’m considering not competing I’m eager to see the battle that is about to happen.

I feel like there should be both a modded & unmodded category for PC… the difference in what you’re able to create with mods is staggering.

Also a little disappointed the rewards aren’t slightly conan themed, really, that snake should be a mini Set at the very least! :snake::grinning:


Correct . I play on consoles and maybe I shouldn’t have an opinion about it , yet , I believe that it is awesome that we will see moded efforts in this contest , after all moders made a great effort to create them and they diserve to participate to a building contest finally . I’ve seen some YouTube videos with mods and they are stunning . Yet no matter if mods have awesome building pieces , like you said the creativity is the goal , we’ve seen wonders all this time without mods , didn’t we :wink: ?

I wish there was. I love seeing what mods can do, but they make the contest a bit… uneven :slight_smile:


@CodeMage ,Hmmm , I guess we can start putting bets under the table for the pc winners , so

50 fragments that it ain’t going to be a mod winner .

I can see yours :rofl:

Question… it says must include a temple of in game religion but crom doesnt have a temple so I’m building one or do I actually have to stick a non-crom temple randomly in it?

By temple I think they just mean a building designed around the religion, so Crom is an option, although you’ll have to be more creative than the other religions because they have their own special alters and placeables to help with the theme


From above response to same question-

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Oh nice! I have so many ideas! Good luck every one!


No OctaviousWrex you dont buddy, and I mean you REALLY dont. Again I suck so damn bad at creative building to the extent it would probably make small children burst into tears. This is honestly so far outside of my wheelhouse that Im beginning to wish I hadnt said anything. But its also more complex than that for me, and kind of a long story at that.


This contest would be right up the alley of two forum friends of mine, and I have thoroughly enjoyed both of their entries in the past. So summoning @Necro and @Arsenalcontrol.


Oooh! I’m very excited about this contest, since I now play on pc and use mods… this will be an interesting one for sure!


Submitted my Ymir temple last night. Couldn’t use half the screenshots courtesy of a photobombing dragon and his big boofy head.:man_facepalming:


Me Gustaría que expliquen como valorar Capturas o Videos de PC Con Mods. vs Consola que no tienen Mods… :stuck_out_tongue: este concurso esta claro quien tiene 99.999% de ganar y quienes 0.0001%

Translated- I would like you to explain how to rate Screenshots or Videos from PC With Mods. vs Console that don’t have Mods… this contest is clear who has 99.999% to win and who 0.0001%

@jmsasuke ,from the post at the top…


So I’m unclear as to how and when images and videos are submitted. Is there a file size limit? Do I email a 5GB video at the time I submit my entry? Can I send multiple emails with attachments for the same temple? Do I just include links to these in the email???

Your submitting 1 image, which follows guide lines. (thou if you wanna share a few more, or video to show case. ) I don’t think they mind. They can use those later if it wins.

I do think sending in more info then require kinda has chance sway them, if there not ignoring other parts of entries.

Are there any age-related content restrictions? A couple of examples of what I’m asking about:

  • If I’m building a temple to Yog, is it okay to have display racks with severed limbs?
  • If I’m building a temple to Derketo, what level of nudity is okay?
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I think anything that follows rating of game would be all thats needed. (incase of nudity, which would cancel out bottom halfs for some regions)

Or you can always send in 2 of same picture, one with black bars and one without. XD


All that is fine since they’re featured in the base game. Just has to adhere to the terms of service and such. :slight_smile: But yeah exactly as Sera67 said.