The need to respond to your players

It would be very beneficial to respond to tickets and actually investigate the ticket before just marking it as closed without offering any information to the player that is looking for answers.


Dont worry they will do the same to this thread. Lol

All my tickets were closed with vague information as well or false information. Shame admins dont allow them to be post here.

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I sent a ticket last week due to my wife loosing all of her stuff and being sent to character recreation right before server shutdown sent everyone off server a bit after 3pm that normally shutdown 5am .ask for rescue. Response. Need more information will contact you. Never heard anything back so I guess she needs to start her level 60 character over from scratch that is no help at all. I am generally supportive of Funcom this is a letdown.


pretty standard reply it’s a shame really.


And they said they hired more people. But I can tell you this. A moderator will shut a topic down if they don’t like what’s going on or being said.


I am getting less positive all the time.


Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe they are working really hard on 3.0. We can all only hope. And This is why we’re not getting much reply. On other issues in the game.

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Greetings everyone,

We apologize for the late replies you got in Zendesk. The team is working hard and trying to get back to you as soon as possible.

If you are still waiting for a reply please feel free to update your ticket. Hopefully the team will be able to help you out soon.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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