Thrall advice for Sonja the Strider

So? Give her a strength bow (Derketo’s, Bessie’s). The strength modifier will apply to the strength bow in range.

I don’t want an archer.

Freya’s big problem? She’s an archer with a 1.584 range damage modifier.

Berserkers - 2.08
Kistis, Erii, et al - 1.92
Ana the Reaver - 1.92
Hyborian III Fighters and Archers from the Volcano - 1.76

Let’s do the math.
Your pictured thrall has a strength bonus of 58%.
With a 100 damage weapon (for ease of math)
That’s 158 damage, times a modifier of 1.584 = 250 points. Minus the armor issues of course.

A Kistis with 42% damage
142 x 1.92 = 272 points.

That doesn’t even consider the damage reduction of each, Freya 24.24% Kistis 71.59%

Archer thralls all have low damage reduction natural armor.

Well, Sonja has a 1.789 Melee damage modifier, and 67.74% damage reduction natural armor, so she will be fine.

I like Anja, but her damage reduction is only 27.40%. She still does quite well as a melee fighter, because here 2.06 modifier and high health compensates.

Volcano fighters are the toughest, but they also have lower health.

I think you summed up the big problem in a nutshell. Their system does not make sense. Fighters should do more melee and be tougher to kill. Archers should do more range and be easier to kill and should start with the appropriate stats.

67.74% damage reduction - this is only for wild NPC, not for the thrall.

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I work in the system I have. In my math example, I did not account for the weapon’s armor pen, nor the target’s armor reduction. Does that make a difference between the two? Yes, it does. It brings them much closer together than a cursory look at a modifier would indicate.

I have noticed in purges that the Markos on the wall takes a lot more damage than the Berserker. Markos (1.92 range) has a higher weapon bonus, and does ultimately more damage than the Berserker (2.08 range) per shot, but I have to give him gruel for healing, where the Berserker is fine pulling honey from the pot.

You are correct. The table does indeed say wild. However, it does translate to the thralls as well. I have tested it quite a bit.

On officials, it is harder to do, but, on private server and solo, like armor on two thralls of differing reduction yields pretty close results to wild when using the same weapon.

Does not translate.
If you want to make sure, look at the armor value of the wild Arena Champion, and then get her out of the admin panel as a thrall and check.
Thralls have their own armor statistics.

This is where Grit comes in. The base grit is related to the damage reduction, as far as I can tell in testing. Again, I have tested this quite a bit. It does work in practical use.

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I do not understand what are you talking about. A thrall’s armor is the value that is indicated in the upper right corner of its properties window. The thrall has no hidden armor coefficients. The values ​​indicated in the last two columns of Xevyr’s table have nothing to do with the thrall. Otherwise, the Arena Champion thrall would receive virtually no damage, which is not confirmed by practice.

i started to ignore archer and figther definitions on this game, i got two anja the dervish, (archer), they at lvl 1 she has much more hp from any lvl 20 figther, and has more strength, on depending the result of lvling process is near sure i will use them as figthers.


No thrall is useless - Just did two cannibal brutes to 20 - UC and warmaker’s 2 hours- done- i can make them archers or melee specialists and they will win. I didnt even respec them yet

They can take down the reaper queen and giant spiders with ease.

Grit is like adding armor for free.

Walked out of warmakers with 15 legendaries

It doesnt matter to me - they play the way i want them to play - and they win- i want to replace them but they keep kicking ass. So why should i, when they are whacking level 8-10 purges and not dying. Doing all the dungeons and not dying.

Means i got them specced correctly for what role i suited them for and using them tactfully with their commands on the field.

Do whatever you wish with her.
No matter how she’ll end up the point is to play with this “toy” isn’t it? As soon she reach lvl 20 you’ll probably “park” her somewhere in the base and you’ll deal with “new toys”.
I would suggest you to fix a small group of Lians and male Berserkers for the dirty jobs and leave such names for easier tasks.

Good idea! Another idea for rare named thralls is to place them on purges in the treasury room. If by accident the demolishers manage to break the last door 4 thralls at least should be in there not to let them break more.
In this challenge i had a strider
She didn’t made it at the end, lol. But she was a good follower, nothing very special, just good.

Me too :rofl::rofl::rofl:. But for me this started way earlier. In many cases on pvp servers Teimos was used both as guardian and archer, he was my joker!
Then Ulrich in Siptah was my go to. He is still (for me) the best thrall of the game.
Now it’s agility and strength, no more archer or fighter. Both must focus on vitality and wield weapons of their best ability.
If only some annoying perks like warden or dead eye were removed i would be really happy. I like the perks of the pets better than the Thrall perks.

Give her a good mace, perfected heavy armor, and she’s good to go. I have a Sonja, and she rocks; she got promoted to captain of my anti-purge guard. Okay, that’s a purely honorary title, but still.

A high ranged damage modififier is nice, but thralls with bows are very weak in my experience, no matter how good the stats are. Bows deal little damage, thralls don’t attack as often as they could, and they don’t even hit reliably. On top of that, they use up arrows or deal even less damage with the default arrow.

Maces and greatswords seem best to me, as the thrall AI knows how to handle them and/or the attack animations are generous enough to correct for their mistakes.

For defending against the purge, I also made good experiences with spears, but only if your thralls overwhelm the enemy. For a thrall that is supposed to follow you around, stick with greatsword or mace in my opinion.

Melee multiplier is 1.78xx. In heavy armor (Redeemed Legion Helmet and Pauldrons, Hyberborean Slaver Brancers, Black Knight Tasset, Hyberborean Slaver Boots, no armor mods), she has 1.479 armor and is damn-near indestructible.

Cimmerian Berskers are a tad stronger in the offense, but have about 2000 HP less. More or less evens out in my opinion, and personally, I prefer a little more health, to prevent them dieing suddenly while you’re busy.

I put her and Dalinsia Snowhunter (5 k health, very similar equipment), both with and unmodded Mitra’s Justice, on a giant snake:

As expected, the lower damage multiplier gives her a lower damage output - more than the sheer numbers would say, by the way*. But it’s still more than enough to sent that monster back to Father Set.

Edit: Sonja didn’t have a gruel, so no gruel buff. Maybe that’s the reason.

P. S.:

And now Dalinsia is writing in her journal about that little adventure. What the…?



do the behavior thing is mod? Man loved it FC should integrate it on main version

So sad that a rarer, named thrall sorta evens out with an easy guaranteed spawn on the map.

Oh yes this one knows the “Simmering Berserker” is a named thrall.

Just like the Relic Hunter Treasure seeker.

This one recalls how certain playful pups on Siptah, when they grew up, gained perks unique to themselves. Wouldn’t it be nice if named thralls, at least the very hard to get ones, had something similar?


Would be great!

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