Fill all the necessary details:
- Game mode: Official
- Game type: PvE
- Detailed information of the occurrence:
Used map room to fast travel from Frost Temple area down to the sinkhole after fighting the event Mammoth. Thralls health were about 1500 remaining after the fight. Upon arriving at the sinkhole I spawned off to the side closer to the sinkhole.
Noticed shortly after running away to the next destination that only one thrall was still with me (running war party) checked the log and saw the message “Elvar owned by Bloodsworn died. (2)” looked around the sinkhole obelisk to retrieve the gear and couldn’t find the body.
Fast tracked back to the north (other thralls health was fine and fully healed by then) searched for the body and still couldn’t find the body.
Map room traveled again to sinkhole and realized the thrall with me went from 3295 HP down to 900. I still spawned in the side of the obelisk closest to the sinkhole. (Think the edge of the obelisk platform that hangs over the top of the sink hole)
Used a nearby map room in the desert to fast travel to the sinkhole again and the thralls HP remained at full and I spawned next to the journel instead of the outside edge of the obelisk.
Fast traveled to the north by the frost temple to retest the conditions and the issue occurred again leaving the remaining thrall with 875 HP from 3295 HP. Still spawned on the side closest to the sinkhole instead of near the journel.
Both thralls are Crimmerian Berserkers.
- If possible and applicable, be sure to also provide us with the following:
- Official Server number Offical Server #3534 - g-portal.com Revision (#738062/40768) | Backend Retail (1)
- Hardware info (Console model:PS5 /SSD)
- Connection info (Wired)