Time for a roll back, folks - all the way to pre-sorcery

Anyone else sick of the poor quality updates, the new and almost completely unusable and completely ugly UI, the broken controls, the missing functions, the new bugs that come with every update, losing progress/items/buildings, getting stuck in the floor or unable to move when you log in, etc.? The last update was a dumpster fire and we all know it. The hotfixes haven’t even come close to fixing the issues, and we have controls and a UI that a lot of people hate. Some of us are giving up on the game, or ready to quit, but we shouldn’t have to.

Why? Because Funcom can fix this - easily. All they need to do is put the pre-sorcery server, and client, versions of the game in the beta tab on Steam. That way we can easily swap to “classic” Conan Exiles. Or they could put a separate version of the non-monetized game on Steam that we can download separately. Wouldn’t cost them all that much time or effort and they could maintain their player base instead of driving thousands of us away from the game.


I’ve used the example of Old-School Runescape several times in the past. That thing started out similarly - people weren’t happy with the direction of Runescape’s development, so the developers released a separate version of the game that was basically the old version, without the modern updates and features.

Then it turned out that the player base who had demanded the “old school” game weren’t really asking for an old-school game - they just wanted to cherry-pick the updates they liked. So Jagex ended up having two versions of Runescape to run and update, and at some point, the “old-school” version got more updates than the main version.

So, take a good look at the last two years of development in Conan Exiles. Would you be willing to lose all of that? Or would you just like to pick and choose the features you like?


“We all know” is usually used by people trying to convince themselves they are not alone.
Just because a few people might agree with you doesn’t mean any more then a minority does.

And some of us are glad to see the game moving forward even if the forward direction is falling flat on it’s face.

You can too, for YOU. Do it, open your private server set up with the old build of Conan, hell open it to the public I’m sure it will fill up and crash fast if you don’t use a good host.

If funcom didn’t roll back for the most disastrous lose of irreplaceable content an update has ever caused, they are not going to roll back because you don’t like the UI.

You can roll back, I’ll stay with the updates and move forward.


I would happily see every single thing they have done starting with Age of Sorcery, or everything from the last 2 to 3 years, go away even if it meant full wipes on all of my servers and starting over from level 1. The game isn’t enjoyable anymore, I just want the game I bought, and supported through DLC purchases, back because I had fun with it.

Remember - WoW Classic was a success. Conan Exiles Classic can be a success, too.

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That’s exactly why I’m suggesting having BOTH options available. All 3 or 4 of you that like how the game is now can keep playing it, and the rest of us can enjoy the game we loved.

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Well if they are your servers go ahead and do it. Or do you mean funcom’s servers?

Then set up your own servers and do it. That’s your option, if you’re not whiling to do it it can’t be that important can it?

There is over 7K players on the funcom public servers right now. I think that is a few more then 3 or 4.

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i get frustrated as well with the bugs and presumption in design of what players want, but its only a 5 year old game, thats really young, warcraft had similar problems, people falling through the ground in tower of medivh, balance / talent issues, i think they can get there but i really think they could use some outsourcing help, and nothing wrong with that. I play star citizen too that has been going for 10 long years! And only soon a patch is coming that starting to bring it all together…When its bad yeah it sucks but i promise you when it gets good its great, it fantastic. If it really making you upset maybe try Pax dai and come back later.

Eh, in all honesty… most additions in the last two years haven’t exactly been met with praise.
For the most part it’s been ‘welp, guess we’ll carry on with the current state of it’.

Nevermind the fact that there’s been multiple calls for an age of polish/bug fixes.

CE is in a decent enough state at the moment, but it could have been better.

7 years old.

And to be blunt: you have REALLY low standards if you think some of the bugs should just be something for the players to accept because it’s ‘young’.

You also cannot compare CE to WoW, completely different games with a vastly different amount of resources at their disposal.

As for Star Citizen, I’ll be very surprised if that thing ever truly launches.

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You already have the option. You just want me to do it for you. I refuse. Do yourself.


People talk about “pre sorcery”, I guess they didnt really played the game pre sorcery and just did a quick Reddit search for “what can I say that is catchy and looks edgy about Conan Exiles”.

There are many things that the game has of great improvements that came after the Age of Sorcery. But a list of them would not be so “great” to make popular posts, because many of them are not things a player see, just things that make what they see possible or more efficient.

On the other hand, most problems people talk about existed long before Sorcery showed up. Age of Sorcery came up around Sep 2022. That is when this game was already almost 4 years old. That was around a little less than 2 years ago.

Get a player who is “whining” about stuff they claim should be “rolled back”, it is often something you find posts on reddit about the same thing happening 4 years ago, 6 years ago.

Dont believe me ? Get the reddit search and find posts about flowing through foundations, death by teleport, death by “login”, thralls falling to death, thralls not acting, thralls not following, animals stuck in motion on the same place, not being able to build in certain ways intermittently, inventory not moving, not being able to equip certain weapons, etc.

All of this have posts from long before age of sorcery talking about it.

So if you gonna snowflake, at least snowflake right.


It’s just spamming! The definition of it.

To be clear, there’s no way this is ever happening, but in some whimsical alternate reality where everyone did what I wanted in life, I would support this 100% all the way.

I did. I still agree with the sentiment of the title of this post, though as I already said, I have no dilutions that it would ever happen. I’m unhappy about a lot of the changes made for various reasons, but if for nothing else, for the reason that they’ve pushed this game that mostly can only rely on a single cpu thread way further than it should have been. The game isn’t even currently playable without falling through the floor every 10 minutes if your server’s database is more than 50MB… There’s a lot more subject matter than that though. Believe me when I say the game was in a lot better state pre age of sorcery, some may argue before ten cent acquired Funcom. I have no horse in that race though.


I get to keep ALL my thralls, resources and recipes ive learned.

Good luck! :rofl:

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Previous post was so un reasonable!

I get to keep ALL my thralls and recipes ive learned. ILL drop the resources since they are easy to get anyways.

Good luck! :joy:

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The time you have playing the game does not imply anything regarding the topic, it is just a non sequitur fact on the order of things. If we take steam time seriously, which we cant.

It is a known fact in many videos on YouTube since a long time that people have been exploiting its system, most famously a person who claimed to have played a certain amount of time, but in getting his screens one of them shows 400 hours played last week, and we all know that a week has 24x7 hours, which is not 400.

You cant even see if that data is about conan exiles.

So, it is just a matter of “non sequitur” again.

When you follow up on saying that “the game” this, or “the game that”, I know for a fact it does not, because I too play the game on my 3 PCs for testing server mods. They are different sets and systems, being one even Linux.

And my wife plays this game on XBox, and sometimes I do use her Xbox as means to control certain aspects without needing to remove the mods from my games.

So I know that is CRAP.

When someone says “the game CAN do this”, then we can start a conversation because then you assume it is not something the game is forcefully flawed for that. When you admit you can be wrong, also.

When you try to make claims that cant be verified, and claims that bundle your own anecdotal situation implying “the game” is responsible, then you lose all your reason in making a point.

I feel like the months before sorcery were decent. I wasn’t encountering crazy bugs, other than one or two server crashes per day. The Age of Sorcery was pretty chill and introduced some interesting features; I can’t say I would want to revert it.

On the other hand, the Age of War feels like a war is being waged against the code base. From people losing all their thralls to players flying through walls and floors, pretty much every aspect of the game is unstable. :smile:


But not for everyone all the time.

I’ve said often enough I’ve played since the game dropped; or very shortly there after. I played till an update 2.? just hacked me off and I went and played BRs for quite a while. I kept checking back but the game was just stagnating. I came back when funcom finally introed the long alluded to sorcery. And have stuck through all the crap to date. Till they changed the battle mechanics and I had a foot out the door when they fixed it.

This UI change, eh. The falling through issues, clueless I can’t see a consistency to it in others experiences. What causes the issue for me on the over built public server I’m on doesn’t seem to be what causes it for others.

FYI early access began on January 30, 2017. Game left early access on April 18, 2018. That’s 6 years full release and over 7 years total. They’ve had time to fix the major bugs, they just haven’t. Too busy making battle passes and ruining the game, I guess…


This has nothing to do with the topic, really. Please stick to the topic at hand. Thanks.