Twitch drop announcement... | Conan Exiles

So I found out there were Twitch drops… and thank to the poor communication I missed the one from 22 June, I’m now not able to get this one any more and I can’t blame myself for it.

Why hasn’t this been announced on the Conan Exiles site news or Steam news? The one with the bunny was announced for example with the dates of the rest of the drops…

Why is the communication so bad… you probably haven’t missed it if you use Facebook or Twitter, but I don’t have or want a social media account! I can’t even find it here on the forums.

I found out about the new drops reading this blog post (obviously too late):

Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Please communicate. Just saying.


True, they communicate this on Facebook, but should do it inside game launcher or Steam.
Who has patience to scroll through that spam on Facebook anyway? I go to FB maybe once a week and it’s a very short visit.


I agree that Funcom should always announce on their forum in addition to whatever other social media they choose to advertise on. However, until that happens (don’t hold your breath), you should bookmark and regularly check the Wiki under Twitch Drops. It seems to be up to date very quickly thanks to @Tephra and all the other fine people working on it.


You can also occasionally scroll through Twitch campaigns to see if Conan Exiles is on the list.

Make sure you don’t miss the August drop especially, it is going to be pretty… cool.

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The Lich King apparently had some of his furniture stolen?

I’m trying to find out the start time but can’t find any info. Funcom isn’t known for it’s good customer service or proper communication.

Try looking on the Inventory page on the Twitch website after you sign in

It’s literally 3:30 pm, ( my time ), in the afternoon ON THE DAY that there are scheduled drops but no communication anywhere, no tweet, no forum post and none of the " creators" have a clue on what’s going on. I don’t understand the lack of communication from your company about something that creates such a dramatic sense of excitement that you fail to even communicate about it. No one may say it, but I will, this is unacceptable to create an event and leave your community and it’s creators hanging in the wind to field questions from your player base. Surely you have a Community Manager or Social Media Manager that can create posts regardless of time zone changes. :thinking:

Do you actually read the forums? Do you see what is going on? “unacceptable” seems to be funcoms new business plan.

Not on a weekend.

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The devs don’t care about the game, why should they care about the players…?

This one finds it amusing that they went to all the trouble of having a loader and pop up sidebar and this sort of thing doesn’t appear there.

If they didn’t have an as you log into the game means of communicating, this one would be less irritated by it all.

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No, actually if you can “SEE” that my account is clearly new, as I too came here for more information. So NO I haven’t been spending my whole days reading the damn forums. And that whole response of “Not on a weekend” is a crap excuse, when literally the majority of the gaming world spends it’s life in games ON THE WEEKEND!

Welcome to the Conan forum, read a few threads, get an education. This is so SOP for funcom you can count on it.

Check the Twitch Inventory page on the Twitch website. It lists past, current and UPCOMING events with start times. You’ll need to be signed into your Twitch account to view the page

Why are you being so hostile? I am not sure about @DeaconElie but I for one do not bother to click on peoples names to see how old or new their forum account is. So I highly doubt they would know that yours was new either.

Well I do agree that most gamers do spend the majority of their hours gaming on the weekend that does not change the fact that, as per the history of dealing with Funcom, things generally do not ever happen on the weekend. Or on holidays. I can see why you think that this excuse is crap, and I am not even disagreeing with you, I am merely pointing out the history that they were pointing out is all.

Now in regards to your initial post. Twitch Drop Twitter Link from the original posting when the first item came out last month clearly shows that this is in fact the day the new item should drop. I personally do not remember who posted the link, and I do not even have twitter or facebook or anything so I’ve no idea if they ever updated that original post to show what the next item even is, or if they changed the date. So I really do not now why it would not be showing up today. As they are based in Norway this should have began quite some time ago and yet it does not seem to have. Why? That is anyone’s guess. However Deacon isn’t wrong that the chances of them answering anything on a weekend are basically nil.

btw - there suppose to be new drop starting yesterday…anyone know anything about that?

It is quite possible that I concentrate too much on the negative experiences and therefore hardly notice the positive ones anymore. But damn it, will anything that Funcom does ever work?! :weary:

Certainly the new drop is bugged again and cannot be used ingame, so everything is delayed.

my bet is they just forgot about starting new campaing OR since it is weekend, there were no one in their hq to do this :stuck_out_tongue:


With a company this big, you should expect them to check the calendar before making appointments, right? :thinking:

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