Unnamed City Drop Rate?

The same dude, but now it will be hard to get the next. :v:t4::wink:

I waited for this xD


On Friday I got the bow of the redmother.
On Saturday the first kill, gave me the 2nd one :smiley: And on the next kill I got the last piece from her: Blade of seven winds. Since then I didnt even killed her anymore, because honestly, dragon fights are just stupid and tedious.

Farmed also on Saturday. Got in both days ~100 fragments (in total ~400 for me), but still no Lying bastard sword.
Got Maelstrom (and I know the confusion about giving +stats, as it is nowhere described ingame), Drunkards blade and some other stuff I didnt had (and the chest at the Snek gave me another BoA).

Maybe I will farm tonight again for that damn sword…

Only took a screenshot at Friday. Forgot it at Saturday…

And yeah, I got 3 Predatory blades on Friday. Even 2 in a row :wink:

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