Weapon Emotes and Fatalities becoming disabled

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Custom (please specify)
Server Name: Evultis Wilderness (Map: Wolves Beyond the Border)
Mods: Wolves Beyond the Border, Pippi, Hosav’s UI, Emberlight, Improved Quality of Life, Fashionist, Less Building Placement Restrictions, Unlock Plus, Stacksize Plus, Highmane’s Arsenal, Immersive Armor, Better Thralls, Tier 4 Followers - Medium Increased Spawns, Thralls are Alive, OP Sorcery, Ancient Sorcery, Kerozards Paragon Leveling, ExilesExtreme

Bug Description:

At some point during gameplay, I notice that I cannot use weapon emotes. Attempting to do so brings up “Cannot emote in your current state”. I can still perform regular emotes at this time. When this happens, I also cannot perform fatalities. Attempting to do so results in nothing happening and being unable to attack the stunned thrall. I have been getting this bug before Age of War Chapter 4, I think I got it as far back as when weapon emotes were first introduced. I have had this bug without the following mods: Wolves Beyond the Border, Highmane’s Arsenal, Thralls are Alive, OP Sorcery, Ancient Sorcery, Kerozard’s Paragon Leveling, and ExilesExtreme

Bug Reproduction:

Unsure of what causes the bug to trigger, might be being knocked down? I can test more later today but wanted to get this report out.

Edit1: Disconnecting and reconnecting to the server does not fix the issue. Resetting the server does fix it for a time. Being knocked down alone does not cause this issue.

Edit2: There’s an island on the map with a few crocodiles, crocodile hatchlings,a giant crocodile, some green shalebacks and shaleback hatchlings, a shaleback king, and some rabbits. Before I admin warped to this island, weapon emotes and fatalities were working. I killed the animals, butchered them with a cleaver, and collected the hatchlings and eggs on the island. I did get over-encumbered from the harvested meat and collected animals. Now weapon emotes aren’t working.

Edit3: Messed around when over-encumbered, was able to do weapon fatalities and get knocked down with no issue, including knockdown from the giant croc. After this test, weapon emotes are still working. I am at a loss as to what exactly causes this bug.

Edit4: Things were going fine, then bitten by a wolf and fatalities/weapon emotes no longer working. Could have to do with being interrupted during an attack, maybe.

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I have the same issue with the weapon emote, but i dont play with mods.
Sometimes i can do them but most times not.

Also so far i had next to none fatalities, when the NPC enters the stunstage i am unable to click left or right mouse button…my character is just standing there and watching…

I have not discovered if there is the connection to the weapon emotes, i just stopped using them since they dont work at least half the time.
One of the reasons i never buy emotes at the basar even though some are quite nice…

Greetings @Evultis ,

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you, please, turn off your mods and let us know if this is still happening?

If so, let us know which emotes you aren’t able to use.

I’m on official 1521 and I can tell you that fatality has only worked once for me. Also sometimes when I try to do a fatality I’m unable to attack at all even with full stamina.

I can confirm that this bug happens in vanilla. I was AFK at the time, died on an empty cliff just above Devil’s Squat in the Exiled Lands. Seemed like I was killed by a Jhebbal Sag Werehyena Ambusher or fall damage after being attacked by one. When I came back my character was at the respawn location and unable to use “Rest on Shoulder” Hammers emote. I admin spawned a short sword (Alligator Bite) and an axe (The Mallet) to test if it applies to all weapon emotes and emote functionality returned after spawning the weapons.

So far I’ve had this trigger from:
Crocodile or giant crocodile or shaleback (green) or king shaleback
Werehyena ambusher or fall damage.

Addition while I was typing this: I havent noticed this before (havent tried it) but green shaleback can cause the “Unable to emote in current state” while you recoil from them swatting you I assume this applies to the stagger state from any damage. Could it be that the game considers you staggered for the sake of emotes when you aren’t currently staggered?

Thank you for sharing this with us!

We’ve forward this to the development team so they can investigate.

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Part of this issue was fixed with the recent hotfix. Weapon emotes still break, but now fatalities can still be done in this state.

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