Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Custom (please specify)
Server Name: Evultis Wilderness (Map: Wolves Beyond the Border)
Mods: Wolves Beyond the Border, Pippi, Hosav’s UI, Emberlight, Improved Quality of Life, Fashionist, Less Building Placement Restrictions, Unlock Plus, Stacksize Plus, Highmane’s Arsenal, Immersive Armor, Better Thralls, Tier 4 Followers - Medium Increased Spawns, Thralls are Alive, OP Sorcery, Ancient Sorcery, Kerozards Paragon Leveling, ExilesExtreme
Bug Description:
At some point during gameplay, I notice that I cannot use weapon emotes. Attempting to do so brings up “Cannot emote in your current state”. I can still perform regular emotes at this time. When this happens, I also cannot perform fatalities. Attempting to do so results in nothing happening and being unable to attack the stunned thrall. I have been getting this bug before Age of War Chapter 4, I think I got it as far back as when weapon emotes were first introduced. I have had this bug without the following mods: Wolves Beyond the Border, Highmane’s Arsenal, Thralls are Alive, OP Sorcery, Ancient Sorcery, Kerozard’s Paragon Leveling, and ExilesExtreme
Bug Reproduction:
Unsure of what causes the bug to trigger, might be being knocked down? I can test more later today but wanted to get this report out.
Edit1: Disconnecting and reconnecting to the server does not fix the issue. Resetting the server does fix it for a time. Being knocked down alone does not cause this issue.
Edit2: There’s an island on the map with a few crocodiles, crocodile hatchlings,a giant crocodile, some green shalebacks and shaleback hatchlings, a shaleback king, and some rabbits. Before I admin warped to this island, weapon emotes and fatalities were working. I killed the animals, butchered them with a cleaver, and collected the hatchlings and eggs on the island. I did get over-encumbered from the harvested meat and collected animals. Now weapon emotes aren’t working.
Edit3: Messed around when over-encumbered, was able to do weapon fatalities and get knocked down with no issue, including knockdown from the giant croc. After this test, weapon emotes are still working. I am at a loss as to what exactly causes this bug.
Edit4: Things were going fine, then bitten by a wolf and fatalities/weapon emotes no longer working. Could have to do with being interrupted during an attack, maybe.