What is your opinion on this type of construction on PVE/PVE-C

Really excessive in my opinion. I’d report it. Also, as a builder myself, I can safely say it’s not even pretty. At all. So it’s not even forgivable from an aesthetic standpoint. It’s just straight up land claim… and bad land claim at that.


The thing is, public servers do have rules against that. My suggestion is that people who want to build big move to private servers that allow this kind of building.

I don’t think @Geee is the kind of player who spams reports.
But even if there are players who find fun on doing this i cannot blame them on this. To this i blame the existed system only! I am great full that a report system exists, but i don’t agree with the current one. Players that abuse reports they should get a ban warning as well and if they didn’t understand, then a ban should find them nonetheless.
No abuse should be tolerated no matter the address!
Another thing that’s important again would be a warning message to the one that’s breaking rules. Some people don’t deal with reading rules, but if they get a warning, maybe this would made them read.
Third and very important!
Players should have conversations between them and understand each other. They play in the same damn server and we speak about adults. Why is it so difficult?

Players should use the “law” ONLY when there’s no other way, like real life!

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And if you don’t like the way they are mismanaged you have no right to complain :roll_eyes:



Quite a few of us have pushed hard for this.

I am now the server villain for pointing out the TOC, I simply suggested reading it and point out a couple builds that were extreme violations of it. Thing is they are the server saint’s builds; has 2 on my list. Which automatically made me the villain. Right now I can’t say boo in the server chat with out some one unleashing personal attacks on me; that I blow off even though I could report them. I got hide like leather, but people like that tend to offend someone that will report them.

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It’s literal land claim with no other purpose but to prevent others from building. The official PVE/PVEC servers are full of things like this unfortunatley.

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Oh worry not, i was a griefer when i met a bunch of Greeks (after soooo many years) in 8007 and i went to their base :confused:. They where 3 preserving one huge castle each and i suggested them to break the clan and play individually because, they had humongous land claim for a clan.
The 2 of them didn’t listen and kick out of clan the one who believed me. They kept everything his however giving him nothing back. He felt desperated and he send me a message informing me about this situation. Of course i helped my fellow exile to gain everything he lost in a f…g week, showing him that he lost absolutely nothing. And guess what, after a couple months someone reported them and they got admin wiped accusing the one who they kicked.
Sometimes adults are still in fifth grade when playing games.

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Yeah, this will never end, it’s just like crime, but if you can do your part, just do it :handshake:t2:

@jmk1999 I fully agree

@stelagel The problem is seeing several giant meaningless buildings on the server, I’m a builder, decorator, I play PVP and collect slaves, I have medium buildings, around 4 on the server, and on the server I see a lot of meaningless things, or clans that have buildings across the map Even though it’s not big, I believe there should be some limit, or even as you said, some warning, many don’t know and others know and abuse it, especially for people who are in other countries and don’t look at the rules message and just ignore it when we open the game home screen.

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