Where is the sarcophagus?!

When previewing Age of War chapter 4, the devs showcased a standing sarcophagus you could go inside, or place a thrall inside.

Its been FRICKEN THREE MONTHS. Where is it??! Add it to the bazaar, PLEASE. Give it to me!! xD

Why do you make it hard for me to give my money to you…

ps. the new items in general have barely touched the bazaar. Come on devs… The spider webs and the sewers were there ONCE during this time. Theres also so many items now, you should really consider increasing the rotation speed of Bazaar.


Please funcom take my money for this over priced, broken content.
Give it to me now I don’t care if it works



there are more things missing here, i dindt see those chests, the snake lamps, the spider and web. Theres is sarcopahgus but only the horizontal one. i would like to aquire those stuff too.

Patience. They make more selling it to you one over priced item at a time.
People just setting there foaming at the mouth waiting on the next piece to hit the bazaar.

Is it a boomer thing not to understand this consumer addiction? Where your shopping habits actually make it worse for other shoppers. Or maybe it was growing up poor and just getting by most of my life. But in my opinion the over priced bazaar and buyer beware sales is just rabid consumerism at it’s worst.

The spiderwebs were in one of the first bazaar packages after the update. The horizontal sarcophagus is an old item and has no interaction, purely cosmetic.

There is that but there is also the fact that the chapter and age is almost over and they still havent released all the items that were previewed to be part of it. Ive been checking, and while I cannot say Ive seen them all, Im pretty sure theres been no standing sarcophagus…If I was them, I would release the items as soon as possible.

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Damn i missed the spider web then. I missed a lot of stuff this update because im rebuilding my base because it got attacked by purge expliters in pve sad. Hope it shows up again soon

The spider package is on bazaar right now.


Is it a Millennial thing to not understand that video game companies are a business and their goal is to make money?


And for the people buying it, please be aware the lesser spiders are not working at the moment.

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I totally agree,

-This fomo tactic,
-The obviously fake reductions in price on the day things come out.
-The limited offers.
-The increased hp on DLC building pieces.
-PTW spears,blood crystal shakrams,etc…
Your game is rated for 18+, who are you fooling here?

Give us acces for purchase to everything that has ever been added to the shop and stop with the spend 20 euros and then another 10 euros to get the amount of tokens needed to buy the DLC.

People feel insulted in their intelligence and not beeing able to buy whatever you want when you want is just dumb!

Imagine: a player has 22 euros to buy a DLC but he cant because he can only buy crom coins in a pakage of 20 or 10 euros.If he calculates with the option available to buy crom coins per 1 euro. He could buy the DLC but now because this option isnt available he cant.

Your pixels arent limited,it doesnt take more work to make more pixels.

So why are you trying to scam us and force us into not buying anything at all because you refuse to serve what we want?

got it thnx

Is it a [insert demographic group of choice here] thing to try to fit all video game companies under the same blanket?

Yes, all businesses need money to stay afloat. No, all businesses don’t exist only to make money. Some actually want to create enjoyable games, and produce enough money to keep profitable. Other businesses just want to make money, and creating a game people may not like but get addicted to is a provenly successful way to do it.

As an example, the recently (2022) founded Pistol Shrimp Games was founded for the specific purpose of producing a labor of love game, namely a sequel to the classic Ur-Quan Masters (which was released as open-source and is free on Steam and GOG). Their recent Kickstarter collected some 680k money. They intend to release it DRM-free, with no microtransactions, no reliance on third-party software, etc.

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We’re gonna see a bundle of these. I don’t understand why Funcom didn’t release these in chapter 2

dang! where are all of those things !!!

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The 1st already arrived :slight_smile:

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and i would feel robbed if i spent 500 CC for this little CRAP!


Come on Funcom! lol


for 500 coins i would expect for the cat to say meow every time i come nearby… i assume the cat talk?

why is that token of remembrance called a statue? this is not a statue, its a little thing, (the cat is the smallest at the front to the right of the picture. )

i cant believe they placed a 500 CC for that little crap you can put on a small table.