You get ban if your clan mate make mistake

Really? And what exactly is that known bad?

I have never asked anyone for any sympathy but I can tell by your replies that you are just looking for an argument which you won’t get. I was merely pointing out that someone can break the rules without their clan knowing about it. No one can possibly know every action committed by someone else no matter how much you trust them.

Really? I was making a suggestion for PvP because that is the game mode that I play. It would be unfair of me to ask for game modes that I have no interest to be changed. As you can see @CodeMage is happy with his game mode therefore I am happy and don’t want to change that.

That’s what I used to think a couple of years ago, when all the whining about the rules started. But that was back when I still believed Funcom actually had the capacity to enforce the rules in a transparent, consistent way.

Since they’ve shown us they can’t do that, they might as well scale down the rules to only apply to cheating, griefing, and harassment. And if they do that, well, then @XninjaPIX kinda has a point: if you get walled in (for example) on a PVP server, you have an in-game recourse to deal with that, unlike on a PVE or PVE-C server.

On the other hand, if the idea is “abolish all rules on PVP”, then yeah, that’s special pleading. Things like cheating and hate speech shouldn’t be a thing on any official server.


100%. If I thought the rules would stop cheating, I would be behind them 100%

I just assumed that as hate speech is wrong at all levels that, that was something that could and probably should be dealt with outside of the rules. By that I mean I am pretty sure that each gaming platform has I system that could and should be used for this purpose. That way this problem doesn’t just simply move to a different game.

And yet you do realize that Funcom has one ToS for all three game modes, yet you want your specific game mode to have different rules than the others. AKA special pleading. How you do not understand that is baffling.

You see they are already, shall we say, fairly poor at enforcing their own rules or even interpreting them as it is. As you are aware blatant cheating, hacking, undermeshing and the like often goes ignored and yet land claim is met with suspensions left and right (even though people live to call them bans). Now, how effective do you think they are going to become when they have two, or even three different sets of rules to look over and remember? I think it is safe to assume that as bad as they are now, things will only get worse.

But you would still be creating one overall set of ToS in that case, not three separate ones. And based on track record, I doubt it would still be enforced evenly, effectively or have any shred of transparency. But that is not what they asked for, they asked for a separate ToS just for one specific game mode, which is exactly what I said it is, You were right to think it then, and you would still be right to think it now. To expect one game mode to be treated differently, with their own set of rules apart from the other two, that is what is being asked for.

Now with that being said, I have stated in the past and I will state it again. Funcom need to stop fixating on land claim and focus on exploiting, hacking, under-meshing and harassing (this would include walling off the entirety of noob river which yes, this used to happen, or walling in bases on PvE servers or even offensive langue such as hate speech and the like). But simply building “too big” with no clear cut definition or reason or anything… no that **** needs to stop.


Yes I realize they have one set of rules to cover all game modes. And it is not my specific game mode, many people play PvP although admittedly it is declining. I was making a suggestion to a problem, this is not special pleading. The bans are destroying the game for everyone except the cheats that exploit the process.

How would my suggestion add any work for struggling admins? I suggested that the rules might as well be scrapped as they don’t work in PvP. Policing no rules is pretty easy and doesn’t take much time.

FYI the third time is a ban. Although players calling suspensions bans aren’t correctly following Funcom’s terminology they are still correct as a ban can be temporary.

I can’t fault your final paragraph, I totally agree with that.

People who cheat should be banned, period.

That doesn’t mean that banning cheaters retroactively is enough. They also need to eliminate vulnerabilities and flaws that make cheating possible, and do it as fast as they can.

But these two measures are not mutually exclusive and they’re both necessary. The idea that “rules can’t stop cheating, therefore we should get rid of the rules” is absurd. You don’t hear anyone with an ounce of sense say “laws don’t stop criminals, therefore we should abolish all laws”.

So yeah, you should be behind rules against cheating, as well as other ways to stop cheaters.

I doubt that. For example, I haven’t seen anything on Steam that would actually work.

I’m not talking about a hypothetical different game. I’m talking about Conan Exiles, where I’ve witnessed hate speech. And when that happens, I’ll contact the appropriate authorities for that server. If I play New World and I see it there, I’ll contact the appropriate authorities for that server. And if it goes beyond hate speech and turns into stalking or doxxing, I’ll contact police.

There’s no reason to go looking for excuses to abolish rules to deal with that crap.

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On Xbox I just report it straight to Microsoft. There are times where Zendesk hasn’t done anything.

To OP, this is why I don’t join clans unless they are people I’ve known for years. If I’m getting reported it’s for stupid things I did by myself.

I believe they recently removed underneath protection which doesn’t help with what you say on your second paragraph.

But laws and punishment do stop criminals. The criminals/cheats are just using the rules to commit crimes. I have not once seen the rules help any legit players on PvP. It is like a burglar reporting you to the police so that they can burgal you while you are away.

No rules can stop cheating only the punishment can do that. So maybe remove their fingers :rofl:

I did think PC might be different but Sony and Microsoft would take care of hate speech.

The rules should really be specific to the game anything such as hate speech should really be dealt with separately by following each countries guidelines. Developers should then have a duty to follow these. BTW I am not saying that developers should not protect their customers. Pretty much like you said about the authorities.


Okay. Instead of laughing at your post - I am going to try and share my experiences with you. In the hopes that you will be able to take something away. (Re: growth)

I don’t clan with people. It’s rare. Almost seldom. Why? Because I clanned with a guy once. And it was fine. And later that guy wanted to clan with another guy. I was dubious. But you know what - it was fine. And then that guy wanted to clan with someone. The next thing I know - we have a commune where others are enjoying the good works that me and the very first guy worked hard to put together.

And then one of those other guys (guy #4) convinces everyone to clan with a fifth dude. And that fifth dude, while an amusing person, starts picking fights with everyone. He fails to take relationships and trusts and alliances on the server seriously. Fast forward to our amazing base being cratered. It was due to stupid stuff that guy #5 kept pulling. And once again I am out on my own. Alone. I left clan. Because I wasn’t willing to participate with the lowered standards of #3, #4, and especially #5.

Moral of the story is that if you incorporate a bad actor into your gaming group - you, too, become a bad actor. Ultimately - you have to take responsibility because you permitted the clanning to occur. I wish that everyone would be as discriminating with the people they chose to group with. But - it’s a game - it’s for fun - it’s for the lols. There are enough bad actors out there that it is easy to get mixed up with the wrong crowd.

So - if the person you chose to clan with isn’t as focused on accountability, and playing the game according to the terms of service and the “spirit of the game” … then YES - you are putting yourself at risk. If you don’t mind if a colleague plays fast and loose with the rules - be prepared for the consequences to be applied fast and loose to YOU.



Yeah, I’ve been hearing some of the sordid stories of what is going on with official PVP servers. That’s why I wrote that second paragraph, because I’m aware that they’re not doing that properly, either.

Honestly, official servers are a dumpster fire. Funcom hosted them on crap-tier G-portal servers, then they kept fumbling with the rules and enforcement, and now they capped it off by dropping the ball on their anti-cheat efforts.

What would you call punishment without rules? There are plenty of names to choose from: tyranny, injustice, caprice, and so on. Pick one you like best.

Without rules, punishment makes no sense. The idea behind the rules was to improve the gameplay experience by giving us players a way to deal with bad stuff we had no way of dealing with.

Worse, they use the rules to commit injustice. Mass reporting your rivals to get them banned is not against the rules – false reports are, but that’s a different can of worms. So these people who do that, they’re not committing “crimes”, because what they do is not against the rules. They’re ruining the game by abusing the flaws in the rules.

That’s one of the reasons I said the official servers are a dumpster fire. The rules that we asked for are not serving their purpose. Instead, they’ve been perverted to do the opposite of what we wanted.

This needs to be fixed, but the fix is not to remove the rules. The rules, and their enforcement, should be fixed to serve their true purpose.

Yeah, Sony and Microsoft have their mechanisms for that. That’s the benefit of feudalism: you pay your overlord and relinquish certain freedoms in exchange for a dose of security :wink:

It’s one of the reasons why I prefer PC.

Nah, fuсk that noise. I don’t give a shіt about people who live in a country where it’s okay to use certain slurs and want to protect their “right” to be retrograde diсks. Anyone who thinks that’s their right can fuсk off. And I’m saying that as someone who grew up in a country like that and used those slurs and jokes, and thought those thoughts. There’s no sacred right to be a shіtty person.

The rules should be there to protect the players and improve their experience. Hate speech is part of that. We go to Conan Exiles servers to play a game. Anyone who thinks slurs, swastikas, or threats of sexual violation – things I’ve literally seen before the rules – are part of the game is a dumbass at best and an evil сunt at worst.


Been there, done that, twice. Never again and also why I’ve retained clan leadership for years. Looks like, smells like, feels like shit? You’re gone.

Main clan are a good bunch who work together well. We make decisions together. Weigh pros and cons and don’t just willy nilly build, interact with others or attack without good cause based on our core beliefs.


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