Game mode: pve-c official Type of issue: Bug Server type: PvE-Conflict 1823 Region:
Pvp seemed to be turned off this weekend evening even though server times reflect the times it should be on? (We know it has worked in the past…we also dbl checked server times with actual times in the logs to be sure… )
Groups from diff clans tried this weekend (for hours!) to pvp each other , in the wild, with no affect.
I’m not sure why this would happen…
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Attempt pvp during pvp times this past weekend
2.No damage taken. Everyone is a ghost.
1822 -C has been messed up for quite some time ( at least a month ) and PVP times are not synced with the time they should be… staff should sync the clocks on all official servers please
We’ll poke G-Portal about this to see if there’s been any changes to this server’s timezone.
Edit: We’ve got response from them. There was an issue with those servers which should be resolved by now.
We over at PvE-C Official 1821 have had our pvp times changed to the middle of the day for over a month now. Seemed to have happened around the time the lightning strike hit a while back.
Normally we would have evening pvp times of 5-11pm pacific but lately it has been from 9am-3pm which has severely affected our server population when people realize they work during pvp and purge times.
If possible can we have the original pvp times returned?
That is an unrelated issue that is being treated in a different thread.
Since the issue regarding 1823, 22 and 21 has been resolved, we’ll proceed to close this thread.