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Downloaded the new 3.0 login and I’m mostly just a floating head and hands. none of builds will load in just a few floating thralls well parts of thralls and a bit of décor just floating in the air and never renders in unplayable.
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About 8 hours ago I was in an infinite roll animation while levitating in the air not on any building peices because I removed all of the ones near me after I logged into my server and that was before the update.
Didn’t somebody insinuate I was nuts for this to release without further testing? I seem to recall that I should’ve been raged at for suggesting this patch needed a little more baking time to fine tune it…
Umm… Wow! Just, Wow! I was concerned about 3.0 because of Funcroms long track record of trying to reinvent the wheel (i.e. change existing systems that work fine as is) and breaking more than they fix with every “update”, but this time they’ve really out done themselves. I expected there would be problems arising out of reworking the attribute system because of just how involved it is in virtually every aspect of the game, but that doesn’t even begin to explain what I am seeing now. I have put a lot of time (6,500 + hours) into this game finding ways to work around the bugs and flaws, but I don’t think I can work with what I’m seeing now! The resolution is shot to hell and most of my base is now invisible! Funcrom needs to fix this A.S.A.P., not in a month or two or never, if they don’t want to see a mass exodus!
I had the same thing. Bases not loading. Cannot get out of my maze of a base. Armor not loading. No way in hell will i get the battle pass with the game in this condition. I haven’t played in 5 months because the game has been an absolute bore without any updates or dlc’s. They bring this out and I was super excited. What a let down. You would think they would test it on console first
Congratulations funcom, after the last GTA Online update on the PS4, with all its texture problems, I thought it couldn’t get any worse. But the 3.0 update makes the king disastrous. I pay monthly for 2 servers, siptah is even more catastrophic. Graphics broken, everything broken.
I can not believe that FC don’t know this issues before launching the update.
How can this game be sold at this moment? On exiles land I am not even able to get out of my base.