A serious problem with the "Fatality" animation!

Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands, Isle of Siptah
Mods: No mods

Bug Description:
A serious problem with the “Fatality” animation!

Bug Reproduction:
Animation Fatality is very hindering in battle! It is impossible to control it. In a fight, my character turns himself around and plays the Fatality animation, while other NPCs attack me and clamp me down and I die. I don’t want to Fatalize! But I can’t influence it in any way. It happens automatically and leads me to death. Such a Fatality action spoils the whole battle tactics. I want to control the character myself, not have him control me.
Yes, I don’t take damage during this animation, but it happens that the animation freezes and my character is immobilized and I can’t get out of this state in any way and I get damage! And I end up dying.

I play on the multiplayer servers of the Exiles and the Island of Siptah and all the players complain about this animation, but apparently only a few reach the Funcom forum to write about this problem.
Please adjust the Fatality animation correctly. I remember when it was first introduced into the game, it also worked incorrectly and it was quickly fixed. Now the horror is back. A terrible fight with this terrible animation. Please fix it.


happened to me today, I was lucky enough to not die… Dog got the npc aggro…

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Not to mention there is still the bug with the Relic Hunter Treasure Seekers in the Silver Mine that pop an error when a fatality happens. And boy do they love some fatality, at least in single player. Comes up almost every group you battle in there. Game doesn’t freeze, but you are left in a state where you can’t take any actions as you’re locked into the animation state without the animation actually playing.


I don’t know if this will help your situation, but it seems to help me.
When I’m in the middle of fighting, I try to push myself through them without slowing down to get caught by the fatality animation. I’m already eyeing the next enemy before the one in front of me dies. The instant they go into that “stagger” animation, I move to the next one.
It might be influenced by my damage settings since I don’t have them set to defaults.
But nonetheless, even though I still get caught by it less often I know it can create a near impossible condition when in the middle of a bunch of hostiles coming at me.
I can imagine the frustration with it on officials if you don’t have an advantage.

If you have target lock enabled, … disable it. That should help a lot.
That is one thing you can control.

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I have this one from today. Using a fatality to decapitate The Headless Judge.
Decapitate The Headless Judge

Here you are deliberately using Fatality. It’s not a problem. It’s cool here. And I’m writing about an uncontrolled, unplanned and uncontrollable Fatality in a fight with a lot of enemies. Here’s the problem(

I’ve tried a lot. And she turned away from those she hit, and tried to break out of the crowd so as not to accidentally fatalize someone, but nothing helps. My character himself turns to the one with 1% hp and reproduces the animation of Fatality. It even happens that I don’t see how many percent of the enemy’s life is, and my character is already fatalizing him. My character controls my fight by himself! This animation is uncontrollable and unregulated!

Don’t think that I’m some dumb blonde, I’m afraid of everything and I don’t know how to hold a gun in my hand. I fight well and play with different weapons. I don’t use aiming at all. And my character doesn’t have a limited review. I use the “Gamepad” setting and spin around freely in a fight.

Vahlok, thank you for sharing your experience, but my requests on this forum are addressed to the game developers. I have been playing for more than four years and I know this game well, and I understand where there are some options to solve the problem on my own, and where it is impossible, and therefore I turn to the developers for help. But it really upsets me that they are not responding on this forum. Conan’s developers, do you even read what they write to you? Are you trying to help the players somehow, or is it completely ignored here?

That’s happened more than a few times at Ruins of New Khemi, and during purges. I just pull down on the left thumb stick and start mashing the roll button towards the end of the Fatality.

Please accept my apology.
I made an assumption you were using mouse and keyboard.
I have no clue about “Gamepad”.

You have nothing to apologize for. You have shared your experience and knowledge. It’s very valuable, thank you. About the Gamepad, there is a setting for the keyboard in the game. I use this setting on the keyboard. I wrote this for general understanding.

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They do read posts, yes, however they don’t respond to individual cases often.

I do wonder though, since you have the bug report template… was this originally posted in the bug reports section and then moved by a staff member or yourself into Feedback? Because if they moved it, that means they actually read it.

As far as fatalities go, the default settings are a bit extreme so they happen way too often, which does lead to the issues mentioned by you when fighting larger crowds.

To clarify, the way they work is that the chance of getting a fatality opportunity scales with your overkill damage on the last hit.
The default chance is 10%, which might not seem like a lot… but then on the very last hit any excess damage gets converted to 1% extra chance per damage point, up to a 40% max…
With endgame weapons that hit hard, you usually always exceed this so in most cases you’re looking at that 40% chance, which is just too much in my opinion. It makes them too frequent to be fun.

Otherwise, yes, it does seem like fatalities are clunkier recently than even when they were first introduced. NPCs seem to start healing up in their dazed state and the dismemberment portion of fatalities completely stopped working. (might look into the cause of that if I’ll have nothing better to do one of these days).

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