Age of War Chapter 4 Public Beta Discussion Megathread

It seems that way. And that’s why… holds up strike sign

I heard but didnt see in notes they nerfed rolling thrust?

Wait if JS has issues with killing were hyenas, then why does he encourage me to kill them to be his champion. Seems to me that he is just racist against stygians.

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It was about adding more plant types - plus this game (building wise) is all about good projects and decorations. Instead of reducing deco/placeable options, FC could work on improving game/server performance. But since we know they won’t do that AND/BUT add a lot of decoration items, I kindly asked could they be plants/trees, which are no worse than another latrine, torture rack, fancy ceramic jug or whatever. I’m not a fan of spamming either, just want to have more variety.

Not really, it’s all about poly count and animation. A fancy ceramic jug is a static object, probably low poly. A bush is going to have more polys as well as animations. The torture wrack with a thrall on it would be a closer equivalent to a shrub.

Thing is the game already has ornamental plants, but in planters. Be nice if they could be placed with out the planters; yes there is a mod for that.

Be nice if they would use the paths models to make garden plots. Have them work like planters but grow in neat rows. Nice big fields of Azure to lag the servers down :smile:

:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles @Funcom_Community
Não está balanceado, parece que querem apenas fazer os eventos apenas por fazer, para quem joga em servidor oficial vai ser perda de tempo fazer a Purge “hecatombe” do capítulo 4 de Age of War.

Voltando no assunto o Purge com meteoro apenas será feito para tentar quebrar o PVE e PVEC isso irá afastar a maioria dos novatos em servidores que prometem nunca ter a base destruída por outro jogador… Parece que estão querendo deixar tudo virar um PVP, deveriam lembrar que a maior população de conan exiles estão fora dos servidores PVP. Se a Funcom acabar com esses servidores certeza que não terá retorno vai ter um grande abandono em todos os servidores oficiais PVE e PVEC de conan exiles :thinking: @Community

I was wondering will thralls be able to gather resources like the golems?

  1. Create a Purge solely relying on finding continuous, accessible and non-obstructed path from the siege camp to treasure coffer.
  2. Set a strict rule stating that if at any point in time Purge could not find continuous, accessible and non-obstructed path from the siege camp to treasure coffer Purge will automatically end.
  3. Update the Purge by including explosive golem wave, blowing up player build structures to the point where finding continuous, accessible and non-obstructed path from the siege camp to treasure coffer could not be done.
  4. Get over flooded with “Golems blowed up the entrance to my base leading to Purge failing to find a path and ending instantly” forum posts on April 3rd.



:brazil: Conan Exiles

Essa espada aqui não existe até hoje dentro do jogo, alguém sabe qual espada é essa aqui? @Funcom_Community

:brazil: Conan Exiles suggestion @Community

Espero ver atualização de itens + junto de + emote em conjunto = XD

:brazil: Conan Exiles spoiler spoilers

Uma das melhores coisas da atualização virá quando atualizar o trabuco e também a ballista para serem controladas por seguidores “thrall” “lacaio” revelado na live @Funcom_Community



WOW :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

When are we going to be able to dress our crafters? Where’s this feature that was hinted a couple of months back? Can we expect it in june with the Next Age?
All these new systems added to the game, and our crafters are still in basic threads.


If they count as followers, as the bartender does, no thanks. If they do not count when they are on station, ok.

But, that has to resolve the questions of thralls in storage. I keep two different armorers on the bench for weight and hit points. They went through the trouble of creating 3 different specialties for a few of them, so how do we handle that?

Are the fighters/others in storage suddenly going to pop out in the base? When they are finished cooking on the wheel, do they appear standing beside it?

And, most importantly, how much time is given if 20 or more extra thralls are suddenly added to the total before the over thrall limit auto delete kicks in?

Until those questions are resolved, keep it as it is.


First funcom shut down the NA beta servers before ch4 was dropped on it.
Then they migrated the characters from the closed NA servers to EU servers.
Then closed the EU servers with the NA migrated characters.

Luv ya 2 funcom :neutral_face:

I will miss the “stop” command , it was very useful in many situations , for example when you met a thrall you wanted to capture , or ran into a Serpentmeru with thralls in attack mode.

I’m not sure if the “run away” command would be enough in a case like that - if it will work at all under lag/load …the current “follow me” command is a bit of a lottery whether it will work or not

Since FC has redesigned the commands he could have tried harder, what would I appreciate ?

“just defend” - thrall would just defend against attack ( shield blocking , dodges ) but would not attack (for example on NPC I want to capture)

“Capture” thrall would switch to weapons to capture NPCs , new input would switch back to normal weapon

separate commands for thralls if I have more than one, the possibility to give them the command “draw weapon” (in case they engage in a fist fight) or directly the possibility (via radial menu or quick commands) to choose what the thrall will attack the enemy with (melee weapon/bow/stun weapon)

Quick command menus with many options / separate control of team members is a normal thing nowadays (it was already possible in Operation Flashpoint 20 years ago) and it’s strange that we have only pretty poor options in a game where NPC companions are emphasized.

Alternatively, if you gave us a menu with options to adjust NPC behavior, you could have expanded it and given us the ability to better adjust how the thrall behaves in combat, kind of like in Dragon Age

For example :
is the enemy more than 10m away ? I’ll use my bow… is he closer? rush!!!
I have less than 30% hp? I’ll try to run away and use the bandages. …

etc. …
There are plenty of possibilities , you could use a client instead of a server for behaviour ( so the load would be reduced) and most importantly NPCs would suddenly get brains instead of just waiting dull like in games 20-30 years ago

I understand it’s not easy, but the players would appreciate it more than some fatalities

@den hopefully one day we’ll see “The Age of (thrall) Brains”


Clearly we need chatgtp on the job of designing thrall ai.

Ai designed by ai. What could possibly go wrong…

Blacksmiths, you only care about the bladesmith. The rest don’t really matter.
Armorers, you place one on the armorer bench, one on the tinkerer’s table, one on the tanner’s table, one the artisan table or the saddlemaker’s table.
You rotate them when you need.
You don’t store people in containers, you monster! :smile:

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I must be a monster, there are 20 of them in one box in our base.

not to mention a fridge full of horses and pets.


I’m joking, @Keldy . At one point or another, we all had chests full of thralls and fridges filled with cubs. :smile:

I’ll be fine as long as I can still have my fridge full of kittens.