Age of War Chapter 4 Public Beta Discussion Megathread

Hey there Exiles! Please use this topic to discuss the Age of War Chapter 4 update and its various intricacies.

See the notes here:


** It is now possible to dye all of the armor pieces from the Champion’s armor set*

** The Sword of Crom now properly deals damage to all enemy types, even when held by Thralls*

Both of these…awesome.

### “The Sacred Hunt” Event
For all the beta testers, what’s the loot look like?
Also is this solely EL or is Siptah invited to these games as well?

### New Buildable Siege Weapon - the Ballista!
Can we place a thrall in there and automate it?

** Purchase Champion Lures at the Vendor NPC using the Gnarled Fangs dropped from Ambush NPCs*

I would have sworn you guys said you weren’t going to mess with various different currencies anymore and stick to gold coins. Just saying.

Also just a note since i’m playing in Siptah right now. Can we please get a review of the HP on the vault monsters? Seems that the elder vaults didn’t get the memo over the reduction of HP that all the monsters should have gotten and now it’s significantly more difficult for the vaults than it was previously.

  • Not sure what exactly all of this has to do with an Age or War, from a thematic standpoint. But it does sound fun and interesting, and I look forward to giving it a try.

This sounds like another example of trying to fix what is not broken. Hopefully this will not prove cumbersome on the fly. I really hope to be proven wrong and that this will instead prove to be a big QoL addition.

  • does this encompass the Pet rework?

I am sooo glad this was one of the additions. Many members of the community, especially the PvP community had been requesting this for years now. It is great that it has been realised for them.

RE: Quality of Life Improvements

  • The $64,000 question: were there any changes to the horrible combat changes of Chapter 3 which we provided feedback on, and which no fewer than 87% of the community disdain??
  • did you finally fix the bug affecting the broken Thrall Pots & Pet Feed Boxes yet? Numerous members have been reporting it since the Age of Sorcery Ch2?
  • were there any changes the <1 minute respawn timer on NPC mobs at the fortress of Al Merayah? Because as far as QoL goes, it REALLY needs it.
  • please, PLEASE allow us to repair Legendaries once more. No one likes having to overcome the grind of RNGesus over, and over, and over again.

Repairable legendary, and the removal of permanent damage to max durability is missing from the list…

I’m not joking, revert that stupid change to before Age of War, I HATE IT SO MUCH.

I will fight “rights to repair” all day!


Looks to be completely ignored… unless I missed something…


Finaly! Because you couldn’t dye the pieces even after using ilusion.
And the SoC jumps back to relevance.

About the rest you guys said above:



“The Sacred Hunt” Event Is this on Siptah also? Thanks for your response.

Would you advise others to complete the Vaults prior to Chapter 4 because they are that much more difficult? Or do you think this will be fixed.


It’s not in the notes so it won’t be. I just wanted them to review it because when AoW changed it up, they lowered the HP of the monsters in EL but I don’t believe they took into consideration the vaults of siptah. I would just play siptah with the understanding that the vaults are going to be a bit more difficult.

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FU**IN FINALLY !!! Yeah I love this.

But sadly, it’s almost the only thing I like in this patch. I mean it’s not I dislike other stuff, but … meh.

Ballistas are cool, but they should have a thrall slot so that they can be used by thralls. Also, siege foundations are really huge … I have large towers and they don’t fit upen those. So it’s basically useless for me. Hope you guys have better luck with that.

But, again, they don’t make sense to me if they don’t have a Thrall slot.

The night ambushes are cool, but the whole mechanic is … meh. I’m getting tired just thinking about it. You have to:

  • Get ambushed.
  • Visit NPC camp and get Champions Lure.
  • Visit Dungeons to use the lures and get items.
  • Get back to the NPC camp and get Grand Champion Lure.
  • Buy potion and go in another dungeon where you have to fight NAKED an NPC with 2 millions HPs for … excuse me, what do I get from it ?

BTW too much work for me :rofl:

ALSO … am I wrong or was no Chapter IV expected ?
I mean, when they announced the “age” system they clearly stated each age had 3 chapters. Did they changed their mind ?

It’s not a big deal, honestly, but at this point I’m really more curious about the next age.

Quick observations for those unable to jump into the beta. Marked things in spoilers that some players may want to find out on their own.

  1. New option to auto face forward on attack, basically removes the need to hit a movement key while attacking to face the direction you are aiming. Combat turning is still there but you can use the rotatable stationary camera properly again.

  2. New event vendor has two interesting items (among others): first is the epic Bestial Regalia epic knowledge that can make a light armor chest piece that gives 12% agility damage (16% with T4 armorer). Second is the spike trap that looks cheap to make and has infinite uses (you can hurt yourself with your own traps), but has to be manually reset after each use. Not sure if that is intentional or not. The weapons are epic craftable with meh stats and the rest are decorations.

  3. Abyssal Bow/Heartpiercer infinite arrow bows (like when a thrall uses a bows with no arrows equipped) are still broken so that when a projectile is spawned the stats of that projectile are not counted into the final damage.

  4. New event bosses have to be fought while naked and wearing the warpaint to deal boosted damage due to them having around a million health… unless you already know how to deal with multi-million health bosses. Also, thralls can participate if you take off their armor and equip them with the warpaint.

  5. Completing all parts of the new event leads to the player getting a new …pet. Currently this pet has 0 stats, deals 1 damage and has low health. Probably a bug, but the reward for doing everything (kill 3 bosses and then the final boss) and waiting for 2 time gated items (24h each) and know that you need to talk to someone in your bar results in a pet which are still 100% decoration. Also this pet can’t help you fight any of the event champions because it can’t use warpaint.

  6. Fatalities are dope, you cannot fatality someone in the middle of a combo, you have to stop for second (only can initiate fatality from LA 1 or HA 1) and then attack which is good if you are in the middle of active combat as the player is given the option to do a fatality, HOWEVER if you use target lock the lock will stay on the enemy while they are in “FINISH HIM” state. Fatalities restore 20% max hp, give 10% str/agi damage bonus and %15 stam regen for 1 minute. You are completely immune to damage (not sure about status effects damage) while doing a fatality, healing is applied at the end of the fatality animation.

  7. Follower commands and interface is a blessing, all combat related behavior is set from the companion inventory window and you can see what it is currently at (attack distance, chase distance …etc). The flee command works well, it won’t save a thrall that is surrounded and stagger locked, but while in flee mode their only goal is to run to wherever the player is and follow them like a lost puppy, so it works.

edit: If you unequip your weapon and use fists on an enemy ready for a fatality you CANNOT perform a fatality, sorry no fisting enemies to death.


its sad to see the bolt on the ballista have too much of a bullet drop and you cannot see what you aming at when you need to shoot after the target if you want to hit it it feels really really bad when you shoot it could be nice to see it fix so we can aim at our target and see what we are aiming at without you dont know if your hitting or not becuse you need to aim so high you cannot see the tarket just to hit it

and im sad to see when cannot put thralls on it so they can man the ballista

How great everything is progressing! Could I suggest Quality Life 3 levels of visual damage in structures?

100% - 81% complete constructions
80% - 21% damaged constructions
20% - 1% very destroyed constructions.

This has been in the game since the beginning I believe. I was starting to think it was a feature. :roll_eyes:

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Agree! And I would be happy to add it to my list too if you would like me to. Unrepairable Legendaries is lousy.

This is just downright ludicrous. Unless they have neglected to mention it in the Testlive notes, it looks like there has been zero (0) correction of the god awful changes to the combat system from Chapter 3. What on earth is the point of Funcom even having the survey if you are just going to stubbornly double down, and act against overwhelming majority of your player base!?


Sacred Hunt theme for Chapter 4 sounds an awful lot like the Great Hunt with Hircine from Elder Scrolls lore. Not complaining though, I’m all for it.

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Did I miss something or are there no references to fixing the combat system?
Are there any updates to the Tavern system (“all thralls in the world” and so forth)?

High praise for the bug fixes, though! QoL… let’s test it and see if the changes are good. Nice ballista.


Guys, here’s a question. There is Krom’s sword with an enhancement applied to it. Can such a sword be used by a thrall after the update?

“Fixed an issue where several armor sets could not be delved”

Armor learned using scrolls does not teach the epic version (black knight, aesir, FG…). I hope they fix it!