I’m missing something , no update and no US servers. Or at least I didn’t have to wait for a download.
No need to ask permission ever haha, if it improves the game I’m all for it.
As long Funcom doesn’t react or act accordingly I can only assume the answer and let me tell you it ain’t positive ones for example:
- Laziness
- Not having the know how
- Arrogance
- We forgot about this or ignored it
Something like that LOL
Done! We can both shout it from the cliffs together.
Oh Great Maker no!
That bench is atrociously oversized. Why punish those who like to dye their armour in such a way?
At the very least does it show dye channels for opposite gender armour as a toggle?
Or is this a direct downgrade?
I sneak the rights to repair into many of my comments already haha
Lets hope they will listen this time
I’ve got 8{?} chests of legendarily, 60 some odd keys. Legendary gets low I give it to a thrall and pull a new one out.
It finally loaded my migrated to an EU server, NA character.
Seems battle feels much better. I don’t need the easy button to hit the enemies I aim at in battle.
I like the rest of it. Pretty much all the QoL stuff is appreciated.
I’ll go down through and check the list later.
Champions (including the final boss) take minimal damage unless the player is naked and wearing the bodypaint purchased at the hub vendor
This is the kind of weird that I would put in my mod. I never expected to see anything like this in an official update.
It’s going to be a pain. That bench is huge and ugly. Now I’m forced to have one.
Fatalities are not good right now. Custom settings would be great. I also was not a fan of it being only facing forward. Would be nice to be facing them at any angle for it to trigger. A button prompt would also be appreciated, or at least as an option. I didn’t like mouse button being the trigger. Would be great to have a key to activate it. I’d also suggest tweaking the animation. It seems like the character has to get into position for it to work. It should just immediately happen.
Custom settings such as chance to trigger and strength of buff.
Lastly it would be nice if enemies were immune to damage whiile dazed so you can have a chance to actually execute a fatality instead of accidentally killing them. I was struggling a lot trying to get them to happen.
Right? I laughed loudly when I read it. I don’t know who came up with this idea, but I tip my hat to whomever might have been.
This is the right kind of crazy.
Htf have you guys been making dyes without it?
Is there any other way and I don’t know about it?
I generally just loot them. I prefer the more natural earthy tones, which is mostly what’s dropped.
Oh, sure. Well, I like having the whole palette available.
I guess I got used to having the dyes monster built somewhere, so I don’t find it awkward any longer, @everybodyvsME …
For me, the real monster is the improved taner’s table. That one I never, ever build.
I do build one when I’m running out of dyes, but generally I mass craft the dyes then dismantle that bloody thing.
If they release a smaller version in the bazaar or battle pass, might work better for me.
Would love basic bench skins. Just a crappy looking anvil as a blacksmith bench, etc. Fancy workbenches aren’t my thing. I hated the separation to the alchemist workbenches. I loved just having the basic fire bowl do all the work.
I see no mention in the patch notes of a fix for the Yamatai Tavern set.
Can anyone confirm it’s still not functioning as a tavern?
This one finds absurd amounts of dye.
Sometimes batches of twenty at a go, sometimes it is a couple of the dye grab bags.
This one also dismantles all those body paints.
Until you learn that the Sword of Crom was nerfed to the point of no longer being special.
What? I thought they set a hard cap of +10% on armor pieces that could not be exceeded…
Since (as far as I know) I was the first person to discover that technique, and nobody gets to see me without my clothes on, that is what I’ll be doing.
I expect this would require a lot of additional work to implement, so probably isn’t very likely to happen, but it would be a great addition.
It would be cool if we could apply skins to benches somehow, @everybodyvsME .
Was it that bad?
It needed some nerfing if thralls can use it, but do you mind sharing its stats?
EDIT : It’s not mentioned in patch notes but the combat is fixed now thankfully
also really like the way stamina is handled too.
Finally an update that actually listened to feedback, I’m actually looking forward to an update instead of dreading it for once.