Deacon Chimes in ch4

Yes because battle/fighting wasn’t janky enough lets bring it to a screeching halt for a visual effect :roll_eyes:

Eh. I like the change to the thrall menu UI so you can do the presets easy.
Thralls will still ignore commands.

Didn’t get that far but as crap as the live servers are I don’t see this going well.

Has the “buyer beware” policy changed?

Yea more wings added to the already massive structures. I don’t have issues with new content I do have issues with builders just adding a new wing or plaza every time some new set drops. For the love of Set if you want your kingdom to show off every DLC and building set available please do it on a private server or single player.

No way to test this on testlive so could be a train wreck. But I’m of the opinion changing it to a weekly reset has nothing to do with giving people more time to finish, because the game has always kept count where you were in case the challenge rolls back up. I’ve seen it multiple times. This is simply funcom putting the brakes on to slow us down finishing the pass, IMO.

One is cool, the other people are going to be upset about.


:icon_acolyte_of_set: :tada:

That is it


Play some more DeaconElie, you only scratched the surface. I’m going to play some more today and see if I can get the end of the Hunt or a purge to complete. Everything else is broken it seems.

Been on testlive the last month, this is actually an improvement.

Same here and unfortunately I have to agree.

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