@ Alex (Lead Designer)

I bet you’re the person who just love it when people interrupt you in a conversation with questions that have nothing to do with the topic of your discussion :wink:

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Nah really laid back and couldn’t care don’t take everything sooooooo serious I’m that person :+1:

you are a fool complaining about this game being hard and not wanting it to be “harder”. this game was always easy as hell, which is a problem. Alex said it correctly, that there is no real danger in this game. whats the point of a survival game if theres no danger? i have more than 7k total hours in multiple survival games and i can tell you that conan is byfar the easiest in terms of general playthrough/pve. the changes they made to movement/rolls were completely necessary, in fact i hope they do more to make the game feel more like a survival game, even though my main focus is pvp. in what world do you want to see 1 person fend off 10 people? ALL survival games cater to teamwork. you can still take on a few people at a time in the current patch if you are good enough, which is as far as that should go.


I would really love to have the option to play the version from February 2017 again. The funny thing is that at this time the game worked in terms of survival and having a brutal and unforgiving scenario. With each patch and fix we got rid of bugs but the game was also made easier step by step. I have never seen a patch before the last one that resulted in the game getting harder. So no wonder most of the player base is pissed that they have to invest more to get the same stuff as before now.

Right now CE is about as difficult as hello kitty online, you can outrun anything, resources are easier than hello kitty online in fact to gather.
And now someone wants to revert the dodge also :rofl: Even horses people want rolled back now!
I think there are wild card infiltrates in this forum trying to bring Conan Exiles down to Ark level, that must be it.

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I said it in another post and say it here again: the game is not too easy and don´t need to be harder, it just needs more content to keep people ocupied.

The whole “this game is too easy” comes from players that are veterans or hardcore pvpers that started over a lot of times, pushing themselfs to level 60 in some hours, building doublelayered blackice fortresses on pillars and camping spots of interessts all day long to have chests full of legendaries and thralls.

This “extreme” behaviour is exactly whats shown in the game itself and on youtube a lot and whats hurting the game to the core and makes it bad looking to future buyers.

I am still convinced that nether @Alex or @Funcom has a clue how far this “extreme” behaviour really goes. Otherwhise they would have stopped it a long time ago. They never really went to their own servers to play their. And when I mean, play there, I mean play there, daily for a month or two at least for 4 hours a day. They may have internal builds and test stuff out, but thats not how things work on live. People are ruthless when it comes to pvp and sometimes even pve (walling in people and spots for example). They care only for themselfs. They use whatever is possible to win, no matter what it costs and how far it goes and this includes bugusing and even cheating and goes as far as ddosing funcoms forum and servers.

Funcom may think by slowing stuff down (like the movement) they can prevent that from happening. But this won´t gonna happen. People will find new ways to cheat and to buguse and the only way to stop that is to change how pvp works in this game right now. Not beeing able to move quikly just breaks the straw. Because it was the only good thing that prevented big clans destroying every single player or small clans on the server quikly. As it is now, you can´t defend your base anymore when you are alone. You may be able to slow it down by building a lot more stuff then you already did before the momentum update. But in the end, they will destroy you, no matter what. And you can´t prevent it. You just exhaust yourself until you realize you stand no chance and then you give up. Or you start to behave like they do, use bugs, use cheats and give a f … about anybody else anymore.

I do play this game for a long time now. And yes, funcom may know everything about the technical side, but they s… ck in knowing how this game works on live, especially in pvp. And thats why they never had a real breakthrough with the game. They try to fix something that they don´t understand. And make it even worse. Then they try again and fail again, because they lag the abilities to fully understand their own game.


I was saying exactly this since release in 2018. I was vocal on Reddit first. But eventually gave up because Funcom do not play their game like it’s played on officials or private.

I can say it again: If you look at Valve Software and Dota 2: Balance decisions are based on pro level gameplay. Valve software designers actively watch and analyze gameplay in the pro scene. Problem is, Funcom was never as successful as Valve Software despite being in the market for the same time. So Funcom has not the resources to do that. They try to balance and fix based on who cries the loudest. Or what they think is best for the game.

With the latest patch, they seem to make changes one by one instead of making a bigger overhaul at once. As Alex already said, they failed in communication. I think they had more in mind regarding that slow movement. Who knows? Maybe they planned to overhaul all the weapons too so they fit with the new style?

But their goal is clear: they want to lower the skill cap so beginners have a chance against veterans. I dislike the approach and would prefer a ranking system like the ones used in LoL or Dota 2. But it’s hard to do for this genre and the playerbase is too small.


Great observations, guys, and apologies in advance for the screed. @Hel, nobody on the team is deficient about how it works Live, they simply must focus on the remainder of the game. Most everybody around here agrees CE is 90 percent PvE, and Alex has clearly stated they are watching their human resources closely.

For the record, Conan Exiles is 1% PvP and 9% PvMe. Other than GTA when you shoot a rocket into a street sign 2 meters away, Conan Exiles offers staggering heights and dramatic depths of self-pawnage. In other words, I think many people would agree PvP is the least accessible of the styles.

When you get into hardcore exploit and bugfinding, sticking with GTA, it’s best to work in a powr duo or a team of three. One needs to be the crack maker. I’m not a crack/hack person by trade, as that livelihood is much too tedious and my internet is way too slow, so I often hand this off to a console pal. After a few hours, he comes back with several servers’ worth of gameplay footage and interaction, and several possible holes to attack. All this for one solution.

In reality, most bugfinders do what everybody else does, which is to observe streams from other cultures and regions where buguse is more prevalent and the infection is higher. Having been an exploit hunter in the past, I know that many of my compatriots did this as their primary source of information. Then they attempt to emulate the action. I’m certain both of you can read between the lines about the weakness of this particular approach.

At this point, an appearance from an actual Funcom person on a server would be of rockstar proportions, especially if they come bearing gifts, or lugging a Derketo to give away a few naughty/nice kisses. :kissing: :kiss:

TLDR: Gametesting is tough, PvP in this game is not for the faint of heart, I think we can all agree we’d love to see a Funcom star or two on the official servers. The inference would be there are additional official gametesters out there as well.


Sorry for taking a detour, but YES to this comment! I remember EA where you had to be level 20 and had a decent iron or steel weapon and decent heat protect armor to even get past where the Darfari are - especially around Tower of Bats which was near instant Heatstroke. Oh, and don’t forget the spiders there too…

Come on… You cannot do shüt with level1 in the north. You get mauled to death by sabretooths…

You will freeze to death and the cim berserkers will one shot you. This is so unrealistic… Its just an exaggerated message.

But if you (or the other guy) think you survivewith level1 in the north, show us a video. And naturally without a thrall…

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Pretty sure they’re being sarcastic. But still, I can run straight to New As and hit level 10 and be just fine up there. So in about 10 to 15 minutes of game play, I’ve avoided over half the map and challenges that should go with it? Doesn’t seem right.


No, some people are so delusional…

New As is the beginning of the north… Woow… Thats like saying, I survive the desert, I am fit for volcano…

People only have problems in the beginning. Its always like that. Once you learned the ropes you know what you can do to survive and what you should avoid to get to the place of your liking. It doesn´t matter how strong npc´s or animals are. You can make the npc´s and animals much harder and I will still be able to get to the north as long as I have bedrolls in my inventory.

This is not the path you wanna go as a game developer. By making the game harder and harder you might make the hardcore freaks happy but you scare off everybody else who thinks the game is too hard to be fun. And it doesn´t prevent people still using all kinds of bugs and gameflaws to go where ever they want.

I know it’s the current trend that you have to put videogames like diablo III on extreme hardcore difficulty to have a challenging gaming experience.

I myself am still a big fan of the old game design where each monster has a certain strategy you must discover on order to battle it. I think that CE had these originally but was nerfed to the level that 5 year olds have no problems when the new combat system came. The reason is partially that monsters were stripped of their special attacks but mostly that you can easily avoid all attacks by running lazily around. I gave this as feedback the very first hour after it hit Testlive. Players got used to this by now and it is hard on them to take the privilege to solo all dungeons away suddenly.

More content won’t solve anything in the long run but just lead to the WoW dilemma that more spectacular and powerfull zones, dungeons and items must be rolled out frequently to satisfy this approach. In the end all that was outstanding in the original game design became completely trivial and eventually irrelevant at most. This is nothing but a carrot on a stick and won’t solve the underlying issue that PvE content has no place in the game progression anymore.

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It’s more than just NPC’s though. It’s the environment, resources, etc etc. Look, I get what you’re saying - more experience and figuring things out, yea, it gets easier. But that’s knowledge and learning game mechanics and how things work. Your bedroll example - sure, spam bedrolls as you run north. That’s cheesing a game mechanic just to get north. IMO that’s a problem. The environment should at least require some sort of gear by that point. If you spam a bedroll and die, oh well, you’ll just die again because you don’t have a home or any type of even basic cold gear.

I’d like to see the game go back that direction. I’m not looking to make this game brutal by any means. But there should be some challenge to the environment; the environment was challenging once. Now there is very little in the way of survival in a sandbox survival game.

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if my girlfriend, who is ENTIRELY new to gaming and survival games, says that Conan was too easy, then i think its too easy bud. she preferred Ark and other titles because there was actual danger. we need the old hyenas back with cripple. and many more things.


Okay, I’m genuinely curious: what would be the “pro level gameplay” in Conan? I’m not asking you to name players, I’m trying to understand the criteria.

Correct me if I’m wrong, games like DotA 2 and LoL are competitive, PVP-only games. They have “pro level gameplay” because they have professionals. And they have pros because there are eSports competitions around them.

Since Conan Exiles doesn’t have eSports, I imagine you’re using “pro level gameplay” to describe something that doesn’t have to do with true professionals, but rather a certain level of skill at a specific kind of gameplay. That’s why I wonder what your definition is and just how much of Conan Exiles playerbase is excluded by that definition.

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That would be good to know, but i’m guessing he means experienced players both in pvp and pve scenarios. in pvp there is always a meta, that everybody follows and in thoses cases (e-sports games) they often change it to make the game relevant for longer time. that would be important in conan too, because people would already had a meta build and everything is based on that, both offense and defense, but if that’s changed, players will have to adapt to the new way of playing, adapt and survive until the next change comes, meanwhile, is kinda stagnant.

In pve es different, they don’t mean to kill each others but to fight against the enviroment, and while this is fine as it is, players will find it boring and repetitive at the end, that’s why they are always asking for more content, and that’s perfectly fine, but is not as easy to implement as a simple change in the current game, which is not easy either, but, i guess, cost less resources.

Why would you consider the experience of players with more time spent in the game over those new to it?
I would say thats because the problems are in the stagnation of the endgame, and that affects players with more playtime, and more dedication to those that may or maybe not playing as much as the others in the future. players will remain busy learning new tactics and new methods in both pve and pvp scenarios while new content in added periodically (hopefully).

And that’s the biggest problem I see with trying to define “pro level” and why I was so curious about what his solution was.

See, in PVP you could find some way of filtering “the best” through competition. But how do you do the same thing for PVE?

Time spent playing is… not a good metric. I mean, I have 3400+ hours so far (who knows, maybe it’s 3500+ now, I haven’t checked recently) and I’ve only heard of the Silkwood today, I shit you not :wink: So okay, maybe I’m dumb, but that doesn’t change my point that just the time spent playing is not enough to determine who’s “pro” :stuck_out_tongue:

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and i couldn’t agree more, but for pve i see the players with more time in the game as those who can show me information where the game design lacks or excels of content or detail, because, you know, everybody was a new player, but not all have more than 1000h spent.

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