When are they going to fix food and potion buffs it’s still bugin out sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t
Hey! Welcome to the forum community!
So - it might be helpful if you share more detailed reproduction steps. There is a form or a format here somewhere for submitting bug reports.
As it sounds - there is a bug (surprise!) where food and potion buffs are consumed, but they do not seem to reflect the intended buff on the stats page. I am not sure if this is a display-only bug (you get the buff, it’s just not shown), or otherwise. I have no idea if Funcom is aware of this, or if they have made any attempt to correct it.
When I encounter this bug - I believe the only means of correcting it is to log out, and then log back in. Any food or potion that is consumed will simply be lost, and you’ll have to write it off.
They already have all information on that. has been reported maybe 50 times, no need for more detailed information. and its not visual. pc players confirmed like a fkn year ago it deleted your buff😉
Coconut a 100% solution (for me) is test it with one buff first, if it doesnt appear top left its bugged. kill your self, after that it works for me, always
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